
26 3 2

8:06 am
Location : Washington D.C 📍


The sound of alarm clock filled the room instantly awakening the girl from her slumber.  As she sat up in her bed the bright light peeking through her curtains nearly blinded her. After turning off the alarm clock and closing the blinds she looked down at her watch noticing the time. Fuck

Today was the first day she would be working since August and honestly she wasn't ready to be back in the presence of people.

The room was now filled with the angelic voice of Jhene Aiko as took her time getting ready. Taking her hair out of the bonnet she fixed her wig and threw on a hat then proceeded to putting on her uniform. As she got dressed her phone dinged and a message appeared.

Goodmorning Kashai 😘

Morning donkey

Girl fuck you, how you feeling today ?

Honestly idk, like I'm ready to go back but mfs annoying as FUCK

You kno how day shyt go just be prepared


I was just checking in have a great day Shrek

Shrek ?! stop playing so much , Ima txt u when I get off hoe !

Scoob was ultimately one of her favorite people he always accepted her flaws and stood by her even if she was wrong. She loved everything about him and it was obvious that he loved everything about her. Their friendship was indescribable, neither one of them ever thought to take it any further but who knows what the future holds.

Finally finished with her hygeine Kashai grabbed her keys and made her way to the door, making sure to stop by her mom's room before exiting the house.

"Goodmorning mommy" she hugged her mom who was sitting on the bed watching Fox 5 Morning News.

"Goodmorning Kash, how are you baby? "

"Ehhh I'm ard kind of don't wanna go in but kind of do " she shrugged.

"Chileeee you"ll be fine you don't got nothing to worry about " she said lighting a jay

Yes my mother smokes weed stfu hoes

"You know people irritating "

"Girl if any of them lil bitches step over the line smack they ass purrr "

"Awww who you been around ? It's the purr for me"

She waved Kashai off. " I know all about the lil shit y'all be saying I'm hip "

"You is a trip but I gotta go I was just stopping by before I left,  love you "

"Love you too "

Kashai left the house and got in her car heading towards her job. She worked at Shoe City as a sales associate but she didn't really like it, the pay was cool but she wanted to do something else. She thought about starting her own business but people don't like to support and without support her shit won't really take off.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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