Chapter 22

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Hayes was mine. There was a smile across my face and it felt as if nothing could make it go away. Better yet once we got the the steps of the school no one was outside. We were 10 minutes late and it was perfect. It was silent. The only voice I heard was Hayes' and I wanted it to stay that way. Once we walked through the blasting heat we went our separate ways to our lockers. Sadly my first class wasn't with Hayes so I had to bare the struggle of being here on my own. I turned down the hallway my locker was in. Then it hit me. It was a hard slap in the face. Before me stood my locker. But it wasn't just any old shiny clean grayish metal locker. There was writing written across it in big black bold letters. Every harsh word was like another slap. Over and over the pain hit me. "Bicth" "Slut" "Man-stealer" "Whore" the names kept going. I couldn't read them any longer. I closed my eyes and turned away. I opened my eyes again once I was facing the other way and there stood a body. Whoever it was smelled really good. It was hard to make out the face because tears were blurring my vision.

"Hey don't cry" a comforting voice said as they wiped away the tears streaming down my checks.

Frankly I don't care who this is. As long as it's not a pedophile or Abby. I felt so desperate letting the person comfort me. But who ever this was had a this feeling of relaxation and comfort. It was like whoever he was he was sent to help me.

"Listen, listen let's take you into the bathroom and get cleaned up, your makeup is everywhere. Not that it isn't a good look, because it totally is but other people might not see you the way I do" he said as he put his arm around my waist and carried me away.

"Thanks" I said laughing while sniffling.

Once we made it to the bathroom Grayson sat me on the counter and my tears seemed to be drying up and I could make out the face that stood before me. I have never seen this guy before but he sure is attractive. His blond wavy hair swept over his bright green eyes. I have to say he's really cute. Not as attractive as Hayes of course but he was pretty close.

"I'm Grayson by the way" he said showing a smile of pearly white teeth as he wetted a paper towel.

"Oh I'm Sophie" I said still sniffling as I toke the paper towel and dabbed my eyes.

"Yeah I know, your the new girl right?" He questioned.

"Yeah I sure am, at this school I'm guessing everyone knows me as the man-stealer/slut" I said laughing looking down at my shoes.

"Well I've heard a couple of stories but I didn't believe any of them" he said trying to reassure me.

I didn't answer. I couldn't bring my self to. Pain was all over my body. My heart, my wrists, my head, everything. I just wanted to be in Hayes arms.

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