Chapter 33

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I must of fell asleep in Hayes arms because when I woke up, I wasn't in the car. I was laying in the couch with a blanket draped across me. I sat up seeing Hayes curled up on the end of the couch. He was so peaceful. I quietly got up and snuck into the kitchen. The whole house was dark. A green light flashed 2:30 AM. I slowly opened cabinets one by one trying to find a water glass.

"They are right here" A deep voice said from behind me with a object clenched in their hand.

My head swung around as I quickly backed up into the wall.

"Whoa whoa it's just me" he said holding up his hands.

My eyes slowly adjusted and Nash's face formed before me.

"Oh hey sorry" I said looking down at my feet embarrassed.

"No your good, sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Nash replied with a smile.

I took the cup from his out reached hand and filled it with water.

"Did I wake you?" I questioned.

"Nope I was up writing a paper, late night homework" Nash replied with a small chuckle.

"Well I'm just getting some water and going back to sleep. Thanks for letting me stay at your house" I said giving Nash a wave goodnight.

"No problem, it was Hayes's idea, not mine" Nash said as he gave me a nod and slowly walked towards the stairs.

I shuffled back towards the couch, trying not to awake Hayes.I sunk down beside him and closed my eyes.

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