Chapter 4

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He was so freaking hot. I couldn't even explain. There stood a blue eyed boy with long brown quiff. He was wearing Nike Dri-fits with Vans, khakis, and a white Frocket with a tribal print pocket. He looked maybe 14 or 15. Behind this sexy man stood a nicely dressed women with a small little girl held tight in her arms. I'm guessing that was the mother of the sexy guy and the little girl who was around the age of 5. Then another drop dead gorgeous guy stepped out from behind the mom. He also had brown quiff but he had some blonde highlights, then he was also wearing khakis, vans and Dri-fits, and a blue Vans shirt. I couldn't believe my eyes. There stood maybe the hottest guys Alive right in front of me. And with my luck I was wearing sweatpants, a T-Shirt way to big for me and a messy bun.
"Hi sweetheart welcome to the neighborhood" the woman greeted me in a friendly tone.
"These are my sons Hayes and Nash, and this is my lovely daughter Skylynn, and my name is Elizabeth Grier. You can call me anything you like"
I just stood there in disbelief. Then I managed to speak a couple words with out making a fool of my self.
"Hi....umm..... I'm Sophie Harris... Nice to meet you" I said reaching out my hand to shake Elizabeth.
"Oh um here come in inside its a little messy" I stuttered.
"This is a beautiful house! How many bedrooms is it if you don't mind me asking?" She questioned
"It has seven I believe" I answered promptly.
"Wow that's a lot, sorry if I'm being rude"
"No your okay"
"Hayes, Nash say something to this fine young lady before I look silly" she said nudging the two boys. I looked straight into the younger looking boy's eyes and blushed then smiled.
"Hey my names Hayes and this is my brother Nash" he said in a soft musty voice.
"Hi I'm Sophie nice to meet you" I said awkwardly.
I am just about the stupidest person ever I am making a fool out of my self. Where the hell is Ryan he better get down here. As soon as I thought that Ryan came sliding down the banister.
"Aye I'm Ryan nice to meet you guys"
The boys nodded their heads and Skylynn covered her eyes into her moms chest.

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