Chapter 3

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Once we got all the boxes, bags and suitcases in the foyer we all debated on who gets what rooms. Mom declared that Ryan and I share the third floor. Luckily he and I already established what room we each get. She said that we could have the spare bedroom on the third floor as a bonus room that we could share. We both also had our own bathrooms. Then mom said her and dad get the bedroom above the kitchen and Kaylie could choose out of the extra four rooms. Then Sam would get to choose out of the last three because he was the youngest so he didn't need as big of a room. The moving trucks finally came with all of our stuff and they put the furnishings where the interior designer told them to place it. Three or Four hours of that going on our unfurnished house was starting to look more like a furnished house. I was in my room hanging all my pictures and lights when I heard my phone buzz. I leaped onto my King sized bed and unlocked my phone.

Maggie👯💗~ How's the move going girl!? I miss you tons already and it hasn't even been a full day!

Me~ Well we finally got settled in and guess what!?!!?!

Maggie👯💗~ Please don't tell me you already spotted a hot guy?

Me~ Dang it how'd you guess?

Maggie👯💗~ Honey please I bet guys were chasing your car and drooling. If I was a guy and I saw you and your sister in a car I will chase you down and ask for your # immediately

Me~ Oh shut up, oh god someone's at the door lets hope it's the hawtie

The ring of the bell chimed through the house.
"I got it" I yelled over the banister. Ryan popped his head out of his room and looked over the banister into the foyer. I guess he was excited as I was. Kaylie was blasting her music so I'm guessing she didn't even hear the doorbell. And mom is too busy yelling at the Designer saying everything looks wrong. And Sam was too busy playing with his cars to care. I opened the door and there he stood.

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