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*Moldova's P.O.V*

I take the bus. It was very 'clean'. I get out of it as fast as I can. I walk to the cafeteria, but before I got in I grab some books from my locker. I need to look like nothing is happing and it's sunny in my life. I sigh and close my locker, I didn't grab anything I just stared at the wall in my locker, lost in my thoughts. I turn around and step forward only to hit something. "Hey! just cause I'm small doesn't mean you can do that!" I looked around then down, and saw a kid, maybe 10. He was a angler fish, rare to find as a child, but common to see as an adult. "Uhh. Kid. You shouldn't be here you know." He nods. "But I'm double digits!! So I'm a big kid like you!" I sigh. "It doesn't work like that. You have to be my age to be here." He looks down. "I'm just trying to find my best friend Nauru and her brother Marshall Islands." I raised my eyebrow, "There's no one in the school with those names."

He looks up, "What about Tuvalu or Kiribati?" 'Wait this kid knows you miss Kiribati is?' "You know miss Kiribati?" He looks happily, "Yeah my brother Guam is dating her!" He looks sad again. "I haven't seen them in a long time." I look around then get to his level. "Listen, they've been missing for two months now. Also maybe I can help you if you describe this 'Tuvalu' they sound familiar." He nods. "Ok she has blue and stars on her, in one of her corners there's flag that's blue then some white and red!" 'This kid isn't helpful.'

(Alright to the ones confused, Tuvalu kinda looks like Fiji's flag. But a darker blue and has yellow looking orange stars in the bottom of the flag.)

*Canada's P.O.V*

'Today is my birthday and in two days it will be my brother America birthday, but not the point. North Korea who really wants me to call him master, decided that since it's my birthday I wouldn't need to wear a caller and leash. He so far seems really protective, he made the leash short and would follow me no matter where I go. (I'm writing this on the 1'st of July) If I wanted to go to the bathroom, I would have to force him to stay outside. Which he never stays, I always has to ask to get personal space. It's frustrating.' "Canada. You listening?" I look at North Korea and shook my head. He sighs and puts his hands on my waist. I bend down so I can meet his level. He moves his hands to my shoulders. "I said just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you can get away from a punishment. But the punishment won't be as bad." I nod, then get back to my height. He moves his hands back to my waist. 'Wow he must love touching me.'

"Hey stop touching him! Can't you see he doesn't like it!" Someone yelled. Both of us look at where we heard someone yell. 'It was Ukraine!' When North saw who it was his ears went down, "He's my pet Ukraine meaning I get to touch him anywhere I want!" Ukraine blushed from his sentence. Then North. "NOT WHAT I MEANT!!" 'Hmm? Oh-' I start blushing. They stared a scream match over me.

"OK YOU KNOW WHAT!!" Ukraine yelled. "What." North said sharply. "At Lunch. Which is next period. We fight." Ukraine explained. 'Two short countries fighting over me. Fifth period is going to be interesting.'

~Time skip to lunch~

*Moldova's P.O.V*

Palau has been following me everywhere, I've had to force him to stay outside when't tave classes. I gave him my food so he wouldn't be paying attention to me. I look around me bookbag and find a old note book, and my phone. I haven't seen Russia or America at all today. I press my contacts app and go through them until I find the contact 'RusAme' I press the name and call the number.

I see Japan running to me. "You're friends with Russia right?" I put my finger up to indicate that I'm in a call. She nods, and I pat the seat telling her to sit. Which she does.

"Come on pick up."

"Oh hey!"-Russia
"Russia where are you?"-Moldova
"At home. Little deer is sick so we're staying home."-Russia
"Ok did he throw up or?"-Moldova
"He threw up, I don't think we're coming to school for two weeks."-Russia
"Alright makes sense."-Moldova

-Hangs up-

"Alright Japan." I turn to her only to see her texting someone. She noticed that I was staring. "Uh. So where's America?" As soon as she said America Palau looked up. "You know America??" Japan nods slowly. "Is Tuvalu and Fiji with him!!??" Palau yells in a curious tone. Both of us shake our heads. "Palau, America is now owned by Russia. So no. None of these people are with him. to  looks sad again. Japan looks confused. "You know him?" She whispers to me. I shrug. "Just some kid that decided to follow me. I think he's lost. Should we take him to the police?" Japan shakes her head when she hears the 'we take him' part. "No no. YOU take him."

I sigh and get up, Palau gets up as well and starts to follow me. I walk out of the school building and see Russia's little brother Ukraine, and South's brother, North, fighting each other. As a moose watches. Rather awkwardly. I pick up Palau who looks at me confused. I take him to the police station which conveniently close by. I told the police that I just found him and I think he's lost. The police nod and call someone. Soon a light blue frilled shark with a odd pattern on the left top corner of it's head and some stars on the bottom right cheek.

"Tuvalu!" Palau yells then tackle hugging. 'Tuvalu' picks up Palau, thanks me. Sadly thought I think she's blind so isn't not like she can see me. She thanks the police and leaves. U check my phone for the time. 'Oh, almost time to go home.'



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I had to repost this bc no one could see Palau.

Sorry if this chapter seems rushed. I wasted three hours watching Hamilton. Uhh also because this fandom is about gay countries, I'm making pregnancy last nine weeks. I don't know what I would write for the nine months so. yeah.

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