Oh Canada! {Short}

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*Canada's P.O.V*

I can't see anything. I can tell I'm in a car of some sort. I still don't know how all of this happened. I remember I was in a tree. Then I saw a wolf, I moved a bit and fell down. It was fine and then I was attacked by something but then founded by the wolf. I soon woke up in a bed and saw the wolf named Ukraine and then my brother. That's all I remembered.

I heard a car door open. I feel like I'm being picked up. I try to get out of who ever is holding me but they just grab my antler and hold me closer. I sigh and let this mysterious animal take me. I feel like they are struggling just to carry me because of my size. They stop and feel something soft. Either that's their tail or I'm on something.

I feel something fall off my eyes. I open them but now I can see. I look around. I see a weird wolf thing stare at me. He gets up and sit next to me. "So I'm your new owner." "But you haven't claim me yet." "I plan on doing so very soon. I just want to get to know you." "Ok?"

"My name is North Korea. I am a dog." I nod. "My name is Canada. I'm a moose." He nods and moves closer to me. "Uhh." "What?" He moves closer to me, I feel uncomfortable. I look away. He gets on me. I don't like this at all. "Canada look at me." I slowly look at North Korea. He has a smile on his face, a smile I don't like.

"Please get off me." "Well I DO have to claim you. So, if I get off I claim you." "Please don't." He scoffs and his smile get bigger. "No." I move trying to get him off but he just stays put. "If you work with me then I won't hurt you." I stop moving. He chuckles "Ready?" I gulp.

The predator's new territory. *RusAme*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن