School is bad

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*America's P.O.V*

Russia leaves me with this weird fox thingy. "U-um what are you? W-what's y-your name?" He looks at me. "I'm China. And I'm a fox. A red fox." I nod. "And what's your name. Pet." I get taken a back by his voice when he said pet. "I'm America." I try to give him a soft smile. "Well that's a nice name. Was your born with the name or your was it given to you?" "Oh um I was born with the name." He nods. "Were you born in the prey side or a farm?" "P-prey side." He looks at me confused. "Then how are you here? Have you been claimed yet?" I shake my head. He looks so confused. "I was taken by Russia when I fell in the woods by his house." I still doesn't get it. "Why did you fall? Did something happen? Why do you flinch a lot? You have a lot of cuts and bruises."

China just continued to talk and asking questions. I start to get uncomfortable. I hear some noises behind me. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see mister Russia. I smile and cuddle in his fur. Russia covers me with his tail. I lick his stomach fur. I know China can't see me. "Little deer I need to give you a tour. Don't stray far from me."

~At lunch~

"Ok little deer, this is the lunchroom. Here we eat." I nod. He walks in the lunchroom. It's so big! He sets me on a seat on seat. "I'm gonna get some food. Stay." I nod. Sometime later Russia comes back.

"Ok here I am. Also this is North Korea." I look up and get greeted by a dog. "Wait. I know you! You're South Korea's brother!" He looks away. "Yeah... So have you meet Japan?" I nod. "South and Japan were in my old school back in the prey side. We were good friends." He nods. He bends down to face me. "Well I'm nothing like South and Japan." Russia sits next to me and wraps his around me.

"AMERICA!?!?" I look around to see Japan and South Korea running to me. I snuggle in Russia's fur. Japan looks at me confused and a bit scared. "Why are you so close to him? He'll kill you." She whispered the last part. I look her in the eyes. I lick his arm and rest my head on his chest. South and North Korea including Japan look shock. I see Germany and China staring at me. "Why are people staring?" "Because America, Russia is known to be violent. He was kicked out of most schools for hurting people."

Sounds like some cliché. I role my eyes. "So?" Japan yanks me out of Russia's grasp. She runs away.

She sets me down on a tree. "America, Russia will hurt you." "I know he already did! I listen and let him do whatever he wants!" I look away from her. "America..." I see South Korea running to us. "Japan, America, Russia is coming for you! He's really mad!" I start to panic. I see Russia.

He comes to me and picks me up. I like his hot breath on my cold body. He gets close to my ear. "America, act like I just threaten you. Also try not to be weak." I lower my ears and close my eyes. I start to shake. I whisper in his ear. "Am I doing good?" He licks me.

*Japan's P.O.V*

Russia whispers something in America's ear. America starts to lower his ears and close his eyes. I see him shaking. Russia licks him. I slowely walk to them. Russia death glares me. I back up.

*Russia's P.O.V*

I turn around and walk to history. Not like little deer will do anything. After history is art. I hate art. Little deer has to take the same classes as me.

I walk into history, my teacher, Italy looks at me. "Russia, your late." I shurg and pull little deer in front of me. "My pet got away and I had to get it. And no I didn't loose him, he got taken away from me by Japan." Italy nods and sighs, "Russia go sit down. And yes your pet has to sit on you." I smile at that. I drag little deer to my seat. I place him on my lap.

The lesson goes slow but little deer makes it fast. Soon the lesson ends and we have to go to art. My art teacher, Grenada is really nice to pets. She has an extra seat for them. Little deer really likes art. He draws great to. Art ends and mrs.Grenada asks us to stay.

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