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This is a AU where countries are animals and depending the animal they are either Prey or Predator. Sadly if the opposite side is in the other's territory what happens is legal. Unless the other side can go back to their side before something happens they most likely will die.

*America's P.O.V.*

I woke up to my dad yelling. He's a Black panther but lives on the prey side for his 'FaMiLy'. He hates me because i'm a deer. That's the only reason. My dad burst though my door. "Mistake come here." I get up out of my bed and follow him. We are the only things awake. Now we are in the kitchen. "Ok now how are you?" Did he just ask me a normal question?? "I um i'm feeling good I think." He nods. "Well go out and do something I don't care." I smile at him and run out the door. I'm really fast in my opinion.

I get to the forest in a minute. I sit down on my rock. I hear a 'SNAP' behind me. I get and start to walk away from it. I start running but it catches up with me. I pins me down. I look at it. It's my dad. I knew this day would come. I get up fast as he tries to hit me instead he hits my leg. I start to run but he pounces on me and attacks my leg instead of my neck or head. He gets off and disappears in the forest. Why didn't he finish me off? I get up despite the pain in my leg. I realize that I've never been in this part of the forest.

I stat to walk but as soon as I get to a tree I fall. I give up. I start to close my eyes and let whatever predator comes take me. I see two things approach me. I curl up in a ball so if they kill me it's easier. One of them comes up to me and rolls their tail on me. I'm ready for death but they're not killing me. The one that had their tail on me picks me up. They start walking away from where the found me. They start talking but I can't understand them.

They get to a waterfall. And then BLACK.


OwO what's this a cliffhanger? G o o d. Well I hoped you enjoyed this. Oh and America was scared the whole time.

The predator's new territory. *RusAme*Where stories live. Discover now