•|Let the Games Begin|• Chapter 5

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Error: "Hi"
Nightmare: "Hi"
Ink: "Hi"
Voices: "Hi"
Others: "Hi"

Error's POV

I opened a portal to Outertale, I like to go there when I need some alone time, I am surprised they haven't found out who I am..yet, well everybody except Outertale Sans


I didn't know that Outertale Toriel and Outertale Frisk saw me but it is fine because they didn't bother me

I am making a puppet of Outertale Sans, once I make all the Sanses I have ever met I will start making the Chara's or the Flowey's. Suddenly I was hugged from behind and I glitched a lot but I wouldn't let myself crash yet, I turned my head and then relaxed and my glitches died down.

"Duncle Error!" They said affectionately while hugging me

"Hi Comet!" I said lovingly
(For those reading, Comet is my code name for Outer!Chara, Star is for Outer!Frisk, and Outer Sans is just Outer)

"Do you have it??" She said cheerfully and excitedly

"Oh whatever are you talking about, I mean I do have chocolate bars and this asgoro themed sweater but I don't know what you are talking about" I said jokingly, she just exploded with happiness and squealed

"Oh my asgoro, oh my asgoro, oh my asgoro!!" She said repeatedly, very excited and cheerful

I chuckled at her happiness

"Let's wait for the others to come" I said while summoning blankets, pillows, and a one-way portal to the the show asgoro, and while we waited I told an interesting story to Comet, they always tell me that they love my stories, so I always try my best to tell them. After the story ended the rest of the Chara's came, not all the AU Chara's, just some and I will list them down

- Comet(Outertale!Chara)
- Chaos(Reapertale!Chara)
- Cherry(SwapFell!Chara)
- Classic(Undertale!Chara, original)
- Violent(UnderFell!Chara)
- Hearts(Underlust!Chara)
- CC(Cross Sans is fused with Cross Chara's soul so Cross is here because he gets a pass since Cross Chara is a Chara)

Most of you may be thinking why Underlust!Chara??? In reality Underlust use 'that' way as a wall and once they start to trust you they lower their wall of flirting and they will act normal, the reason they do that is because Asgore told the monsters that they needed a way to scare others away and he chose this, as weird as it is it actually works better than a lot of people think

"Sorry we're late I was trying to find them!" Chaos said in a apologetic voice

"No, no it is alright! You came just in time!" The moment the Chara's heard my voice they all just attacked me in a big group hug, I smiled from them, Cross is very nice for letting CC come here because CC only asks to see me when I have a 'Chara Undernovela Party' is what they like to call it and that is the only thing CC asks for

Once everybody finished with hugging me, they huddled up close to me and we watched Undernovela and we kept saying 'Asgoro noooooo' whenever he walked into a trap or a bad situation, Cross actually loves coming here with the Chara's to watch Undernovela with us and he is happy to be able to witness it

Error x Ink x NightmareWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt