•|Brothers|• Chapter 3

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Something to know before reading this is that the truce between Ink and Error will be done differently.

Error: "Hi"
Nightmare: "Hi"
Ink: "Hi"
Voices: "Hi"
Others: "Hi"

Chapter 3 of •|Brothers|• start.

Third Person POV

A cracking sound was made as Ink slammed his giant paintbrush into Error's skull, Error was still conscious but it stung, Error's high pain tolerance would only stop working if he was low on magic but that isn't the case here, in any normal case he would have been knocked out but he refused to submit to sleeping. He used an 'Error Blaster' on Ink so he could back him away, it kinda worked but Ink blocked it a bit by surrounding himself in Ink like a ball. But he broke the 'Ink Ball' when the 'Error Blaster' stopped but by then Error had predicted that Ink would break the ball so he just sent bones and blasters at Ink from all sides, but Ink teleported away, Error made his 'allies' hold off Ink for a bit. Error pulled more strings out of his eye and just used them to make his attacks faster, like sending his bones down harder and faster or making his blasters send out faster and exactly where they need to be. Ink sent 'Ink Bones' at the 'allies' but the Asgore used his trident/pitchfork to swing them back at Ink and the Undyne sent their spears at Ink and the Papyrus kept annoying Ink with his 'Blue Attacks' and everybody knows Blue means stop, in magic.

Error's POV

Error's mind
"Okay Ink is distracted I just need to rip out the code before anything else-"

I know that Dream is trying to shoot me with his arrows but I am dodging them the best I can, and it is really bothering me how I can't rip out the code from the annoying shifts and turns that I have to make, if I don't I'll get hit by one of Dream's arrows

So I strung a tree and threw it at Dream, and he got hit by this because he didn't expect it. I then pulled the code out and opened a portal to the Anti-Void to not get swallowed by the void and I turned the Asgore, Undyne, and Papyrus into souls and I thought to myself because they did such a good job fighting, I might use them again someday but they are copies I'll have to shatter them. It hurt to do this but I did it.

I saw that I was getting healed by Fate, I can't see when Fate is here or not. All I know is that they heal me whenever I come to the Anti-Void to heal me to full health.

The voices in the Anti-Void are quiet but they decided to speak to me about something, the ones speaking to me are the good voices.

"Hey Error why don't you go see what Geno or Fresh is up to?"

"Yeah I second that motion"

"You should go before you have to start destroying again, you need to treat yourself to something"

"You haven't seen them in a week you should go"

"Maybe you should bring Blue here for a bit to watch Undernovela or visit your brothers that is fine too"

I stayed silent in my mind for a bit before responding to the nice voices

"Yeah that sounds good" I said in my mind

I opened a portal to Geno's Save Screen since Fresh is usually with him anyway

Save Screen

I came out of the portal to no surprise see Geno and Fresh there, Fresh is joking around and teasing Geno, I just realized that Reaper is here too and that is probably the source that Fresh is teasing Geno about. If you didn't know I'm the second oldest out of my brothers. Fresh being the youngest and Geno being the oldest.

Error x Ink x NightmareΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα