What's Done is Done

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Liam glared down at the lifeless body laying before him as he witnessed the blood pouring from the unsystematic lacerations that were creating a pool surrounding the body. Realizing that he still had the knife tight in his grip, he immediately drops it as he finally comes to the realization of what he had just done.

She was young and beautiful. She had curly blonde hair and green eyes. She was petit, yet curvy and she had one small tattoo on her left wrist that read "Live Life fearlessly."  It was in that moment that the last look on her face before she died replayed in his head like a movie. Her cry for help echoed in his mind over and over again like a broken record causing him to fall to his knees in tears. She still had so much life left in her and now it's over, just like that. There is no rewind button, as much as he wished there was. He couldn't take it back, what's done is done.

Reaching into his bag, Liam grabbed one of his freshly sharpened butchers knives that he snagged from work. It would be perfect for dismembering the body so that he can easily dispose of it. He began chopping up her seemingly pale body and placed it in big heavy duty trash bags. Once he was done, he tied up the bags and placed them into the bed of his truck. He then scrubbed up all of the blood that was splattered around the floor making sure he removed any trace of evidence of what happened here that night.

Once the area was all cleaned up, he climbed into his truck and headed back to work. He needed to get rid of the body in a way where it would not be found. Luckily he knew a way to do just that.

For the past fifteen years Liam worked at a butchers shop that he took over after his old man passed away. Spending all of this time chopping up meat, he knew exactly how to work a knife. Day In and day out he methodically trimmed fat and removed bones before chopping or grinding the meat up. He knew his way around this place like the back of his hand.

Once he arrived back at work, he grabbed the heavy duty trash bags and brought them into his shop. He brought them straight back to the meat grinder and began grinding up her body piece by piece, limb by limb until her body was complete mush.

The physical nightmares of this night were now gone. No trace of what happened. No body to be found. It's like it didn't even happen. Unfortunately, Liam can't escape the mental nightmare of what happened tonight. The details of the night stream over and over again in his head like a horror movie that he can't turn off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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