Jungkook smiles, chuckling a little. "I think that covers everything..."

"Two chai lattes," your manager comes over holding the two steaming mugs. "Thank you," you say as you smile at her. "Thanks Jen," Jungkook says, looking down at the drink that was just placed in front of him. "It's on the house, you two enjoy." Jen smiles sweetly before retreating back to behind the counter. 

"Wow, she is so lovely." Jungkook comments. "Yeah, she's great"

"Wish my boss was like that," Jungkook takes a sip of his drink, his eyes lighting up. "Damn this is really good,"

"Told you" you smile smugly, sipping your drink. The sweet, hot liquid cascading down your throat, instantly warming you up. You lick the froth from your top lip, Jungkook staring you down as you do. 

"You look really pretty by the way," Jungkook says as he lifts his mug up to his lips.

You smile shyly, "uh, thanks. You look really good too."

Jungkook chuckles "I didn't have time to get dressed up, I probably look a mess."

"That's impossible" you say boldly. Jungkook shakes his head, chuckling. You wanted to ask him more about his past, how he was homeless. He had briefly discussed it, but you wanted to know more. "Can you tell me how Jimin helped you?" You boldly ask, almost instantly regretting it when you see Jungkook's face. You can tell you caught him off guard. You expect him to shut you down, refuse to answer.

Jungkook sighs deeply before speaking. "He found me when I was living on a street corner. I was 16. Told me that he could help me, that he would look after me. I don't know what he saw in me, but he really thought that I could help him, I guess, I don't know. There was something about him that made me trust him. He took me to his house, gave me food, clothes, a bed. He is like a brother to me. In return, I would help him with his work. I will never be able to repay him for what he's done for me. I would do anything for that man." 

You listen intently to Jungkook as he tells you this information. You wanted to know what he meant by 'help him with his work', but you didn't question him. He continues. "I suppose you also wanna know more about my parents and all that?" he raises an eyebrow at you. You nod slowly. He takes another deep breath. "Basically, my life was good until I was about 6. Then my piece of shit dad got fired from his job for being drunk. He became an alcoholic, drinking constantly. He was, angry. He started to hit my mother. Would abuse the shit out of her and there was nothing I could do about it. I was terrified. So I just watched like a fucking coward."

You interrupt "Jungkook, you were only 6-"

"I should have done something. This went on for years. My poor mother was too scared to tell her friends, her family, anyone about it. I had to call police multiple times, they never did shit for us. She would always protect me, though. Always told me to go to my room when she knew my father was about to beat her. Always told me everything was ok while blood ran down her face. By the time I was 11 my mother had enough so she just ended it. I got home from school one day and police were outside my house. I knew she was gone. I knew I was fucked, I couldn't live with my dad, I knew he would do the same thing to me that he had done to my mother. I managed to run away when I was 15 and spent almost a year on the streets before Jimin found me. If he hadn't found me god knows what would have happened to me. I have no idea where my father is now, whether he's dead or alive, and I really don't give a shit."

You sit back, amazed by his words. You really couldn't believe how hard he had it. Your life seemed so easy in comparison. You felt so sad for him, for the little boy who was too scared to help his mother. "I'm so sorry-"

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