Chapter 5. Tavë Kosi

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You watch from your seated spot in the corner of the cafe as Will takes your drinks from the barista with a quiet "thank you" but doesn't turn back towards you just yet. He hesitates for a moment, and you aren't quite sure why, though when he turns and sees you watching, he gives you a small crooked smile and heads back your way. You take the second coffee from his hand, your fingers grazing his rough ones for only an instant and strangely, curiously... your heart skips a beat, as it had when you were in Doctor Lecter's office.

He sits down across from you and focuses on taking the lid off his coffee, an action, you guessed was based solely on his desire not to have to look at you. Part of you thought that maybe he just didn't want to make any unnecessary eye contact... the other part however actually dared to hope that maybe he was as flustered by your looks as much as you were of his.

You shake off the thought and begin the process of cooling off your own steaming cup, bringing it to your mouth to blow on its contents. You don't notice how Will's eyes are drawn to your lips, or the stray lock of dark brown hair that falls from behind your ear.

You continue in comfortable silence for a few moments, not speaking, just sipping at your drinks, and pretending not to notice each other's eyes. Finally, Will clears his throat and asks;

"So, um... how long have you lived here in Baltimore?" He was going to add about how the newspapers specified that you were a "long time resident" but he thought that if he hadn't scared you off already, then that would do it. Though to him, you don't seem at all upset by the question.

You do think it is an odd one though, and one so incredibly casual  that it shouldn't seem strange, but it does. You answer quickly, feeling like your response had been rehearsed many times over.

"Um, 12 years now I think." And he nods, keeping his eyes glued to what must have been a very interesting tabletop. There's an awkward pause as he perhaps waits for you to elaborate.

"If you don't mind me asking, where did you live before exactly?" He looks at you curiously and for some unknown reason, your face flushes. Maybe it's simply at the thought of Will getting to know you personally, something you hadn't thought would happen. Or maybe it was just the novelty of talking to someone as handsome as him. "It's just, uh, Your accent. I can't quite place it."

"Oh." You say and laugh. "Louisiana. Real close to New Orleans too." You take another sip of your tea as you try to avoid meeting his gaze. "I'm actually surprised you noticed. I've been trying to kick it for years, but it just won't go." Your face is turned away from him, towards the window, but you think he smiles.

"No it's nice.... I like it." You look at him and see that he is smiling, though his eyes are on the ground so he doesn't see you blush. You clear your throat and decide to move on from the subject.

"I moved here when I was 13, to live with my Dad. He passed away 2 years ago." You trace your finger along a circular coffee stain on the surface of the table, smiling sadly to yourself. It used to be harder to talk about your father, but now you actually enjoyed any chance to remember his great big bear hugs and the way his eyes would come alive when he talked about painting.

"Oh... I'm sorry." He says, surprisingly genuine. You'd heard the same statement many times before but were startled by how candid Will sounded. Most of the time you'd heard that phrase it was followed by an obligatory silence or an awkward cough or two. But from Will, you only receive a compassionate front, unyielding is his simple sincerity.

"It's okay, really," you smile at Will, "He lived a full life. And he was never one to be frightened by death." You say, truthfully. Even towards the end he was only ever positive, and where most people found bitterness in their deaths, he found peace. 

Angel's Sojourn: Hannibal x Reader x WillWhere stories live. Discover now