As the day goes on (ch. 2))

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Rebeccas POV:

Me, Harry, Juliet and I were all joking around minding our own business when the 2 girls Juliet and I envy most show up.  There names are, Brittany and Paige. Lets put it this way they are both 2 blonde bimbo who are just looking for people to go all the way with, it digusts me especially what they wear. Brittany is wearing mini shorts that you can see her butt, bluhhh, a long tight shirt that is way to low down you can practically see her bra witch is to small for her. And has so much makeup on you cant see her face, i looked over at paige and she was wearing the exact same thing and was leaning over on Harry oh no she didn’t.

“Hey harry!!!” they sais in sinc and way to perky for my liking.

“hi, fat ass.” Brittany said looking at me

“did you eat all of that bag no wonder your so fat!” paige said.

“you know what Brittany and Paige she can eat that whole bag if she wants to but she will still be skinnier than you sluts.” Juliet said sticking up for me.

“i wouldn’t be talking if i were you, your just as fat as her.”

“aww why thank you.” We both said together

“what?” they asked confused. Harry was trying to hold back his chuckles

“you said shes as fat as me well shes skinnier then you so you guys just called us skiiny.” I said

“whatever.” They said and walked away. I high-fived Juliet.  We continued on with our day with no more interruptions until i got a text like 4 hours later, it was my mom.

M: hey sweetie where r u? U need to come home.

R: hi mom, im just at the park beside the bakery with J and H. Btw can i invite them for dinner?

M: sure, dinners ready now so you guys best get going.

R:ok bye.

“who was that?” Jules asked

“oh just my mom she says we have to get going back to my house so you guys can eat dinner there.”

“YES!! I love your moms cooking!!!” harry yelled

“well then we better go before i gets cold.” We got up and started walking over to my house.  We were about halfway there and it started pouring rain.

“OH GREAT!!!” Juliet yelled.

“why so glum chum? The rain is fun!!!” luckily there was a field right beside us i grabbed Juliets hand and we ran to the feild with Harry close behind us. I stopped then grabbed her other hand and we started spinning really fast. We were laughing uncontrollably, Harry was laughing at us to. All of a sudden my hand gave out and I went flying to the ground, i was awaiting the impact of my body hitiing the ground but it never came i opened my eyes and i was in Harrys arms.

“thanks.” I said blushing.

“no problem, now its my turn!!!” he yelled. By this time we were all soaking wet. Harry and i span so fast i got so dizzy at the end but then i got a call.

“crap its my mom!!!!!” i yelled over the rain so they could hear and i answered it.

R: hey mom

M: where the hell are you guys?!?

R: sorry mom we caught up in the rain. Were almost there be there in a few bye bye.

I hung up before she answered Juliet and Harry came over.

“RUN!!!” i screamed. They got the message and we sprinted to my house. We got there in no time. We split up, me and Juliet went to my house to get changed and harry went to his.

“there you girls are you got me worried sick! Wheres harry?” she asked

“oh he just went to get changed at his house.” I answered

“good idea and thats what you girls should do now before you get sick!” she shooed us upstairs without another word.

“hey Becca can i borrow some clothes?”

“you know you don’t have to ask just go through my closet and drawers.” I told her thats weird thats the first time in a long time shes asked me that.

“i know i just need to practice being polite before we go down for dinner with your mom.” She smiled inisently.

“your a freak.” I laughed and she smiled back. She grabbed some clothes and other things and went to the bathroom. We are the same size which makes everything much easier. I grabbed some warm joggers and a really warm sweater and put them on after changing my bra and underwear.  A couple minutes later Jules came out with a pair of joggers on and a warm sweater like me, with her hair in a French braid.

“hey jules can you do my hair?” i asked sweetly using my puppy dog face, which she couldn’t say no to.

“sure.” She said shaking her head smiling. While she was doing my hair we started talking about harry.

“Bec he totally likes you its so obvious. Oh and hand me that alastic.”

“well if its so obvious why haven’t i noticed?” i said handing her my elastic.

“because he likes you and you like him, you deny it to yourself trust me i know.”

“whatever lets go downstairs before my mom starts freaking out at us again.” I said and she helped me off the ground. We quickly went downstairs and harry was already there.

“finally we can eat!!! You guys take forever!!!” he said being way to over dramatic. He started to go grab soup but my mom hit his hand away me and jules tried to hold in our giggles.

“harry hold on i haven’t put everything out on the table yet.” We were eating clam chouder my fav, roasted chicken and potatoes, and steamed vegetables.

“this looks delicious Mrs. Andress”

“thank you Juliet, i hope you kids like it.”

“don’t worry we will, we love your food.” Harry said

“can we eat now?” he asked

“yes you may Harold.” With that we dug into an amazing dinner. Its the weekend so we don’t have school tomorrow perfect day for a sleepover.

“hey mom can Juliet and Harry sleep over today?” i asked

“i don’t see a problem with it as long as Ann and Paula don’t have a problem with it.” (sorry @1Derland7) i didn’t know what you wanted your moms name to be so i just made one up)

“my mom has no problem i just asked her.” Jules said holding up her phone to show my mom.

“ya so did my mom she just wants you to go talk to her at my house after we are done here.” Harry said

“ok but before i go i made a special dessert.” We all smiled really big

“i made my famous apple pie.”

“mmm my faviroute thanks mom.”

“ya thanks mrs.Andress” they both said in unision. We all ate our piece of pie happeliy as my mom left over to Ann’s house. 

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