~Nana Gallagher had an a affair~

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We've got the same hair, we're basically identical. When I thought I was done, she just came spouting out like a plant in the dirt. She looks just like me when I was in high school, minus a couple of zits, but besides that, she's super hot.

                                                                        ~ her mother

"Do you think Monica and Bob will really take Liam?" Debbie asked me. Debbie and I laid in our beds looking up to the ceiling while Liam moved around in his crib.

"I'll make sure they don't," I replied matter of factly. "What about Fiona? Will she ever come back?" Debbie pressed.

"She has to. She's a Gallagher. Even if she does wanna leave that last name will always tie her to us." I replied.

"Yeah, you're right." Debbie sighed. "Well, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Debbie."

"Georgia, hurry up sweetheart," Monica called up the stairs.

What's it been not even a 10-minute shower? Whatever the fucking waters already cold anyways.

I put my fingers through my hair and put on my clothes. After I grabbed my bag I walked downstairs to find it deserted besides Monica and her girlfriend.

"Where is everyone?" I asked Monica.

"They all already left and since your slow ass wasn't down here quick enough you don't get lunch," Bob replied cradling Liam.

"Listen here lady I didn't ask for your opinion," I replied.

"Everyone just needs to calm down!" Monica yelled out of nowhere. "Whatever Monica, ill just buy lunch with this 5 I stole out of your girlfriend's wallet."

"Hey, you little shit get back here," Bob yelled getting up from her chair. "You can have it if you catch me." I snickered running out of my house.

"How's Mickey doing?" Ian asked Mandy passing her his cigarette. As the three of us ate lunch, Mandy and Ian talked about Mickey and Kash.

"Ian. Mandy. Georgia." Lip said walking up to us. "What's that style pirate wench?" Lip asked Mandy. "Do you like?"

Lip smirked and then turned to Ian and me. "What's your guy's third period?"

"Health," Ian replied. "Social studies. Why?" I chimed in. "We need to miss some school."

"Nope. No way. Ian promised he would help me with my missing assignment." Mandy replied crossing her arms.

"Fine then just me and Georgia," Lip replied. "Don't be late. I'll be behind the school around the corner and down the street."

"You could have just said the dumpsters."

"Where did you get this car?" I asked lip checking out the radio of an almost brand new car lip seemed to have stolen. "I borrowed it from Steve. I've been working with him a bit."

"Damn can you get me a job too?" I laughed. "I don't think this job really is in your expertise."

"Oh yeah? What is it?" I pressed. Lip snickered but ignored the question. "Look here they come."

Monica, Liam, and bob walked out of our house and into Bob's semi-truck and once they pulled away we followed them.

As me and lip both suspected they pulled up to the DNA lab to prove that Frank isn't the father of Liam.

While they went inside we waited in the car for them to walk out. "So...you're still not gonna tell me who the boy is?"

"Nope," I smirked. "Well is it going good at least?" Lip asked me. "He comes with a lot of baggage but yes it's going really good."

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