~Father Frank, Full of Grace~

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I'm assuming you left the most important person for last. I've known her since birth...literally. She's an annoying asshole of a twin sister, but she's someone I can always count on. Do I think she's hot? What?? No? What type of question is that?

                           ~her very unincesty twin brother Lip

"If I get convicted I can't go into the marines." Ian said in a monotone voice. "How could you still want to risk your life for a corrupt system that put three innocent kids in handcuffs?" I yelled throughout the police station receiving many glares. "Innocent?" Lip eyed me. "I'm sorry. 2 innocent kids."

I was still furious with Lip for driving me and Ian around in a car that Steve had stolen without telling me. How could he be so stupid?

"Lip Gallagher." A sheriff, I suspected, came and sat down in front of us. "I hope you're no relation to the well known Frank Gallagher." Well there goes our chances of walking away scott free. "He's our dad."

"All three of you? Jesus christ." The sheriff eyed me making me uncomfortable. "You three are looking at hefty time." The sheriff turned to Ian. "You know with a face like that, you're gonna be someone's slave in jail."

"I stole the car. Georgia and Ian knew nothing about it." Lip interrupted him. Ian and I both looked at each other before agreeing with what Lip said. It's better only one of us goes down than all three. Also what he said wasn't too far from the truth.

"It's a very sweet deal, but I already have a boyfriend." A crackhead in the place they were holding me kept trying to hook me up with their brother in return for some crack.

"Georgia Gallagher you've been bailed." A cop had came over and unlocked the bars to my holding cell. "Remember 1113 N Picman St is his address if you change your mind." I gave the lady a tight lipped nod as I walked out.

I met up with Lip and Ian at the front doors of the police station and walked out to be met with the overflowing love of Carl and Debbie and hits from Fiona. "You guys better not do something so stupid again. You're lucky Tony got you guys out."

Bonus points to him.

When I got home i went straight to my bed room to lay down. It wasn't even that I was tired it was just that my back was killing me from sitting up all night. I wouldn't even believe I could dance if I saw myself right now.

I checked my phone for the first time since yesterday. Missed calls from Mandy, Karter, and the movie theater, but no Karen. I was supposed to go into work today so I called Joshua, my coworker, and told him to cover my shift. He always does.

I'm actually going to do it. Karter had convinced me that it was finally time to tell my family that we're together. Karter already told Sheila and his dad, and he said he would tell Karen the next time he saw her. I think it was finally okay to go public, Mandy might make fun of me but whatever. I also haven't heard any threats from Lindsay in awhile so maybe she's over it.

Fiona made a new friend from Debbie's school and she was downstairs making everyone stir fry to celebrate our release from jail. Karter was gonna come for supper tonight and we were going to announce it together.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen while everyone was busy making food, crossed through the living room and waited outside for Karter. Not to long after I went out he came walking up to my door. "Are you ready for this?"

"Do you want me to be honest?" Karter asked me. "Yes." I replied. "Absolutely not. But I have to be. We have to be. It's the perfect time."

"I don't think Lip's even here." I replied. "He's not. I saw him walk down to Karen's new cave as I was getting ready to come here."

"How is Karen doing anyways?" I questioned. "She didn't call me while I was in jail."

"Weirder than before if that's even possible. Anyways, let's go. It's time." I nodded and grabbed his hand. As we walked in together it was like the world was in slow motion as we walked into the kitchen holding hands. I've never done something like this before so I don't know how it's gonna go. "Everybody! I'm dating Karter Jackson!"

The whole room went silent. I think I pissed my pants. "Tell him to grab a plate." Fiona said as she set up a card game. Everyone went back to what they were doing like Karter and me weren't even in the room. "I'm starving." Karter went over to the stir fry and started to make himself a plate.

I smiled to myself as I watched him. I was so worried for nothing, but then again Lip doesn't know yet. Or even Karen.

Lip barged in through the back door as everyone was about to go back for seconds. He didn't even notice Karter, he was too busy pushing everything out of his way to stomp upstairs. "Go see what's wrong." Fiona told me.

Lip slammed his door just as I got upstairs. When I walked into his room papers were thrown everywhere and things were knocked down. "I hope you know Ian's gonna kill you." Lip had his face buried into his pillow. "Did something happen with Karen?"

"She broke up with me." I was taken aback. I kinda thought they'd last awhile. "I think it's just a phase." Lip shook his head "She seemed pretty serious."

"Well then maybe she is. It's never been hard for you to move on before." Lip put his head up "I think I was kinda falling in love with her."

"Lip Gallagher? In love with a girl? I never thought I'd see the day." I laughed. "Georgia Gallagher dating Karter Jackson. Why am I not surprised?" My face fell fast. "You saw him down there?"

"I'm not blind also I know the password to your phone. Karter with a heart? Really?" I slapped his arm. "It was a spur of the moment thing alright."

"Of course you should go! Are you insane?" I said to Fiona. Steve had come over late last night and had offered Fiona a chance to go and live with him in puerto rico, but she wasn't sure if she should go. "Exactly what she said! You have the chance to get out of Chicago! Why wouldn't you want to hop on that?" Veronica said.

"I just don't want you guys to feel like I abandoned you." Fiona teared up as she looked at me. "But I think I'm in love with him."

"Fiona!" I grabbed her hands. "Please go. I want you to be happy. And when I get accepted into community college I'll scrape up enough money to come and see you." I laughed. "Shut up! You're getting into that dance academy. Fuck all those prestigious white bitches."

My phone dinged as Fiona let go of my hands. It was from Lip.

Karen fucked Frank.

Under that message was a link to a video. I pressed on the video and watched in horror as Karen straddled my dad.

"I gotta go."

"My fucking dad?" I caught Karen as she was bringing the trash out from her house. Her hair was even more black and shorter since the last time I had seen her. "How could you do that to Lip? He really likes you and then you go and sleep with our dad."

"It's not my fault he likes me. It's not like I asked him too." I jogged over to stand in front of Karen. "Me and Karter are dating."

"Okay?" Karen asked. "So if I come over don't talk to me. You and I are done." I said. "Not like I care." Karen yelled as I started to walk back home. "I didn't want to be your friend anyway!"

I was laying on my bed, playing a game on my phone when a random caller started to call me. "Hello?"

"Hey Georgia." Lindsay. "I just happened to hear through the grape vine aka Karen Jackson that your brother Ian likes penis. I sure hope those homophobes on the west side where I see your brother walking right now don't find out."

"Lindsay don't! Those people have guns and knives!" I yelled. "And many other things. Bye Bye now."

So this isnt part of the interview right? ok good. Off the record Georgia is kinda hot, I mean what can I say she looks just like me.
~Lip Gallagher off the record

end of season 1 !

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