~Balance~ BakuDekuTodo x Reader

Start from the beginning

"Oh?" Todoroki takes up the opportunity to sneak up behind the boy and wiggle his arms around his lean torso.  "Do you want my kisses then?"

If Bakugou was red before, he's definitely flaming now as he quickly shoves the suave, smirking boy off him.  "Leave me alone, IcyHot!"  In a mumble he adds, "Not today..."

I understand how the spiky-haired boy feels.  He's relatively new to this relationship and he's still working out his comfort niche in it.  Because of Todoroki's seductive nature, Bakugou's opened up to him a bit, but he still keeps the strict friendly rivalry with Midoriya.

"Anyway," the blond uncrosses his arms and regains his composure, "On the way back, I saw an open volleyball net.  We should play a few rounds."

"I wanna play on (Y/n)'s team!" Midoriya chirps, still hugging my arm and beaming at me with his dancing eyes.  "We'll make a great duo, won't we?"

His energy is infectious.  My hand runs through his hair softly.  "Of course we would!"

"No way, nerd," Bakugou growls, lips set in a straight line, cutting off our sunshine mood like the dark cloud he is.  "You're clingy, (Y/n) probably wants a break from you."

Midoriya's grin reverses into a hard frown, his eyebrows creasing as he lets go of my arm to approach Bakugou.  "You're being childish, Kacchan, I don't like it.

"Looks who's calling who a child, damn Deku."  Bakugou feeds into the negative energy and gets in the other boy's face.

Todoroki, on the other hand, decides to keep out of it, fueling the flames in his own way and shrugging.  "You two can fight among yourselves.  (Y/n)'s staying with me tonight anyway."

"Fuck off, IcyHot!  You don't have too brag!"

As Bakugou and Midoriya go on arguing with each other, I tune out.  Why can't those two just get along already?  I've already told them many times that they need to at least tolerate each other when I'm around.  The freckled boy attempts to act more assertive despite his stuttering, but I know he doesn't want to hurt his childhood friend in any manner.

"They're going at it again," I sigh as Todoroki wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"But at least that leaves us time to ourselves while they fight."  His teasing voice echoes in my ear, sending fresh shivers through me.

"Shut up."  I lean my head on his when he places a kiss on my cheek.  "Can't you do something about them?"

"The only person who can fix that is you, dear."

"Fine."  With a sigh, I approach the quarreling boys with Todoroki in tow.  "I'm guessing you'll comfort the other one, right?"

"I'll do my best on your behalf," he winks.

I'm almost shocked, and proud, that they haven't resorted to violence yet.  "Alright, enough you two, I'm settling this."  Looking back and forth between the pair, I state firmly, "We can alternate between sets, okay?"  Then, I hang onto Bakugou's arm.  "But I'll start on this baby's team first since he's being extra needy today."

The flush creeps up his face again and he looks away.  "I-I'm not being needy."

I leave it alone, but I know him better than that.  Bakugou doesn't like to show how affectionate he actually is when his rivals are around.  Even though he's pushing away, he actually likes that I'm giving him attention.  I expect if we're left alone for a moment, he'll probably smother me with love.

"Looks like it's you and me, Midoriya," Todoroki tugs the wide-eyed boy by the waist off towards the volleyball nets.  "Let's try our best to beat them, yeah?"  He lightly taps the shorter boy's butt, and Midoriya stiffens in response before relaxing.

When they're out of earshot from us, I turn to Bakugou and loop my arms around his neck.  "Do you want my kisses now?" I tease.

Ever the tsundere, he looks away from me and pouts.  "Oh, now you're giving me attention?"

Without giving him any warning, I place my hand on his jaw and steal a quick kiss from his cheek, chuckling at his face rushing with color again.  "Babe, you know I love you."

He huffs, but pulls my body closer to him as we start following the other boys.  "Yeah, whatever."

My fingers lightly trace his toned chest.  "Why do you have to be such a tsundere? Just say what you want and I'll give it to you."

"I'm not a clingy puppy like Deku."

"You are, don't lie."

He deflates just like his tough boy act.  "Yeah..."

"Aw, Katsu."  I kiss his meaty hand and rub the knuckles.  "Alright, I'll be on your team for all the matches."

Just like that, his wilted figure straightens back up and he smacks a kiss on my cheek before running off.  "Oi, Deku!  (Y/n) says they're on my team permanently!"

I sigh to myself, trailing behind the three boys who have slowly become my entire world.  Although they're a messy bunch, they have their own steady rhythms in your relationship that would go awry if they weren't all there.

In other words, they're idiots.  But they're my idiots.

Can we just appreciate Todoroki being the chaotic pan/bi/gay we all know he is?

I was fighting through a headache while writing this aaaaaa

Just an announcement, I won't be taking anymore requests for now. I really want to finish the ones I have for now and put up some original ideas. If you've already written a comment before this one is posted, I've already made a note of it and will write it, but anything after will be disregarded (IdiotBurger and IsabellaRomero, I've gotten yours and I'll write them, don't worry!)

~Tiny senpai

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