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Warning- Sensitive Writing, Angst, and Violence ⚠️

George woke, his head was dizzy. The British male tried to recall what happened... I was going to sleep... and then DREAM. Now that he remembered, he realized what had happened. It wasn't good. He was abducted. He realized after opening his eyes, he was blindfolded and gagged (cloth put in or over a person's mouth to prevent them from speaking.) When he tried to move his hands or legs, they didn't budge. He must have been tied to a chair.
There was no noise besides his rapid heartbeat and short inhales through his nose. Sweat started rolling down the sides of his head. Where was he? Thoughts buzzed through George's mind, making his mood get even worse. I'm going to die, I'm going to die, he's going to kill me, someone help me! The more he thought, the more afraid he got. He tried to move the chair he was strapped to, but there was no luck in doing that at all. The chair is nailed to the ground, was George's initial observation. Besides that's, his mind was out of control. His breathing and heart rate was abnormal, causing his breathing through the gag to sound muffled. He screamed, throat scratchy. He shouldn't have brought me far. George knew he could be in the middle of the forest. But the air around was too still to be in a forest. He was in a building. He kept screeching, hoping to catch the attention of someone.
Then there was a sound of a door opening. Hope sparked George, only the hear it close again.

"I see you're awake," came the familiar voice- Dream. George's screams became more desperate, hoping someone could hear him- someone! A hand was placed to his mouth, and other hand on the back of the head. Hearing shifting, a breath was felt next to his ear.

"Ssh ssh... no one can hear you," Dream threatened, his hot breath on George's ear.

"...PleAse," George managed to muster out. His voice muffled. Being blindfolded made everything much more terrifying.

"Le- me go...!" George whined, moving his arms, hoping for a miracle that it's untied.
No such luck.

"Ahaha!" Dream burst out laughing, short wheezes along with it, "You think I'll let you go?"

George weeped, the blindfold soaking up his tears.

"Hard isn't it?" Dream hissed, "Isn't it hard being tied to a chair? Being able to do nothing but scream?"

"Wha-?" George tried to say, desperation clinging to his voice "Wha- do you mean?"

Suddenly he felt a searing pain in his left leg. In response, George wailed in agony. What the hell was that?!? Was I stabbed?!?? All George got in return was a wicked laugh. What ever object was in his leg was pulled out, letting what George felt was warm blood start soaking his pants. This sucked. What did he do to deserve this?
The gag was taken out of his mouth, letting George breath. The gag must have been in his mouth for a really long time because the smaller male's jaw was in pain.

"I know you can see me!" Dream shouted.

"W-What do you mean?!" George responded.

"Me! Me! The red thing over your dumbass friend!" Dream hollered. George was shaking, even though Dream wasn't in control of his body, it was still terrifying to hear Dream yell. George gulped, taking a shaky breath.

Carefully picking his words, "W-What did m-my friend do to you?"

There was a moment of silence, every second suffocating. The British man heard his friend giggle.

"What did he do to me? That smiley bastard killed me! He tortured me! Raped me! Did everything wrong! Now I'm dead!"

George felt his heart spike, no... he didn't, he didn't do that.

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