Technically, they should only eat out for special occasions, but this is one of the few times that all three Jedi have leave on Coruscant, so Ahsoka isn't complaining about the quality time she gets to spend with her Masters.

"Really, Anakin? This place?" Obi-Wan looks discouraged as they enter the restaurant- the same one where Anakin and Ahsoka always go when they're on Coruscant.

"Master, you haven't lived until you've tried this place's pulled nuna!" Anakin exclaims, ushering them inside. Ahsoka inhales deeply, relishes in the scent of Corellian barbeque.

The first time she came here with Anakin, she was practically a youngling, still exhausted from Teth. Now, she's someone different. No longer naïve, she knows the price of war, and the clones call her 'Commander' because they respect her, not because she's a Jedi.

Anakin's even hinting that she needs to start preparing for her trials.

Obi-Wan frowns at her state of complete adoration, "The Order shuns the desire to overindulge in rich food, Ahsoka."

"She's fine," Anakin defends her quickly, "The Order also shuns the refusal of food."

Obi-Wan rolls his eyes at Anakin's attempt to twist his words. Ahsoka grins, watching their banter. The worsening war has separated the three Jedi a lot, so seeing her Masters interact so fluently- even after time apart- gives her so much hope for the future. She can't wait for the war to be over so she can be a teenager again.

They walk through the bustling restaurant to a circular booth where her two Masters sandwich Ahsoka between them because Obi-Wan thinks this restaurant is 'a zoo for lowlifes.'

Honestly, she wonders how he has been living on Coruscant three times longer than she has, but still thinks everyone is a criminal.

They're the loudest party in the restaurant, and it's a good thing their lightsabers are well-hidden or else the Order would have its name smeared across the HoloNet if they saw three famous Jedi acting like a normal group of friends in a shabby restaurant.

Oddly, Obi-Wan remains fairly quiet throughout their meal, only occasionally putting his cutlery down to input into the conversation. Ahsoka brushes it off as stress; he probably has a million things on his mind. The Chancellor's upcoming trip to Naboo surely can't be helping.

It's not like Anakin and Ahsoka let anyone get a word into their conversations anyways. Other patrons in the restaurant keep giving them funny looks whenever they interrupt each other to tell their own anecdote or give their opinion. It's normal though, for them.

"I'm absolutely stuffed." Anakin groans, leaning back to unclasp his belt. He sighs in satisfaction as he can finally exhale.

"Anakin!" Obi-Wan exclaims, mortified.

Ahsoka giggles, "Anakin has a food baby."

Everyone seems to think Anakin is in top shape- especially civilian teenage girls- but Ahsoka knows the man can eat like an animal when he wants to.

"I suppose you'll skip dessert?" Obi-Wan asks, acting like their parent again. She supposes the 'dad' voice works on them because Anakin never met his father, and she doesn't have any clear memories of her own. "I don't think you have room."

Anakin scoffs, "There's always room for dessert, Master. What do we say, Snips?"

She takes her cue, "Dessert doesn't go to the stomach; it goes to the heart."

"Of course, it does." Obi-Wan sighs, "Very well, then. Order more food if you must."

Their dessert comes, and whilst Anakin devours his like a savage, Ahsoka takes her time. She wants to enjoy every second of this evening. She can't explain the warmth she feels from sitting in-between her two Masters, bathing in their undivided attention, even if Obi-Wan's smile doesn't quite reach his eyes.

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