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Jungkook is the type of annoying person that is good at everything

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Jungkook is the type of annoying person that is good at everything. He's weirdly athletic for having a career in the arts. He graduated early, and would have been the valedictorian at graduation if he hadn't been embarking on his first world tour during the ceremony. His friends hate him because he always beats them in board games and video games. He claims not to be able to cook, but whatever he whips up in the kitchen is always pretty decent. Photography and art are his hobbies, but his creations look less like products of a hobby and more professional. He can obviously dance and sing, but he can also play the guitar and the piano.

But what Jungkook has always been the best at, out of all of the things he's good at, is writing songs. It started back when he was very young, kind of as a joke. Someone on the playground at school had dared him to freestyle rap, and before he could really help it, words were streaming off the tip of his tongue effortlessly. He had spontaneously created a freestyle rap about the first thing he saw--the monkey bars, and it was a hit among his fellow first graders. But as he grew older, he began to realize he had a real aptitude for songwriting. He would hear songs on the radio, and think, I could have done that better than they did.

So he started legitimately writing at the beginning of high school. His parents always let him play his sets live in their restaurant--it was entertainment for their customers that they didn't have to pay for, but also let Jungkook hone his craft. He quickly learned what crowds liked and what they didn't. So, as time passed, Jungkook's audience grew from a couple restaurant regulars and supportive neighbors to a small cult following of locals. Soon people were having to make reservations to come eat and see Jungkook sing, there simply wasn't enough room in the restaurant for walk-ins. This carried on for about a year, until the fateful summer day that Kim Seokjin walked into the restaurant.

Jungkook had just finished up his set, when a man walked over to the makeshift stage his parents had set up for him. It wasn't out of the ordinary for people to come up to Jungkook after his performances, so he immediately put on a friendly face, despite being tired.

"How long have you been playing?" The man had asked, gesturing to the guitar strapped to Jungkook's body.

"Um, a little over six months?" Jungkook estimated roughly. The man's eyebrows shot up in surprise at this. The boy had enough skill that he thought he had been playing for years.

"Now, listen kid. I don't say this to people lightly, but...you're good. Really good." The man said. Jungkook was kind of beginning to wonder why this man carried himself and spoke like he was very important, but he kept that to himself.

"Thanks, man." He said, shyly but sincerely. He took off his guitar and began to put it in the case, expecting the man to walk away like most others do after they compliment him.

"I'm serious. Have you ever considered a career in this?" The man questioned.

"Um, maybe. I don't really know, I'm only sixteen." Jungkook had said hesitantly. He had thought about a career in music, but he knew it was a gamble. On top of that, his parents kind of had their hearts set on him going to college and becoming a teacher, to follow in his older brother's footsteps.

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