Chapter 43: Easter and Alone Time

Start from the beginning

      I stood up from the table slowly, making my way out to the living room to see two large boxes on the floor with Katie pulling items out of one of them. I sat down on the floor next to her, pulling out dresses and shirts that would probably fit me perfectly. 

      We went through both of the boxes and I ended up taking a handful of shirts and a bunch of sundresses that would be perfect for the warmer weather. Katie packed the other clothes into one of the boxes so that I could fill the other with the clothes that I am taking home. 

      At about one, Jackson jumped up from the ground, "I'm hungry", and with that he ran into the kitchen with all of us following behind him. Paul took my hand and sat down next to me while Katie and my dad pulled the sandwiches out of the fridge and put them on the table. Katie poured each of us a glass of water before sitting down with us. We all ate in silence, just enjoying the turkey sandwiches and each others company. 

      I was the first one done with my lunch, I put my plate in the sink and gathered the others as they finished eating. I leaned onto the counter once I got all of the dishes and turned on the hot water, I was putting soap on the sponge when I felt Paul's warmth next to me. He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "You look like you're getting tired". 

      I shook my head, "No I am fine, I'm having a good time". He gave me another kiss on the cheek and just stood next to me as I finished the dishes. Paul dried and put all of the dishes away once I washed them, we were completely done with them in about 5 minutes. Once the kitchen was clean, Paul and I joined my family out in the living room once again. Jackson had one of his shows on, we all just sat around and watched as he laughed along with the tv. After about ten minutes, my dad spoke, "Cammy, I- I mean we have something we would like to talk to you about". I nodded my head and sat up in my spot on the couch, I grabbed Paul's hand for reassurance and waited to my father to continue. "Well, we have been thinking and if you would like, you could move back in with us". He looked at Katie and then back to me, they both turned and looked as though they were waiting for my response. 

      "I love you guys and I want us to be close again", a smile spread across their faces but I continued. "Which is why I am so sorry, but I can't. You threw me out and didn't talk to me for a long time. I appreciate the effort but I can't. Emily and Sam have been taking such good care of me, I am happy there. I love being able to see them and the guys every day. We should all start seeing each other more of each other though. I love you guys, but I can't go back to how everything was before I got pregnant. We can't just ignore this". They both nodded and agreed to what I was saying, Katie stood and gave me a hug quickly and my father did the same. 

      We watched one more episode of Jackson's show before we decided to head home. "I think we're going to get going. Paul told Sam that he would go out and make sure that there are no problems around the reservation". They both nodded and stood so that we could give them hugs, after we pulled away from them Jackson had Paul lift him up. He gave Paul a hug and then leaned so that he could give me one too, he wrapped his arms around my neck while Paul still had a hold of him. Once he let go, he said goodbye to us and we walked away toward the door. Paul grabbed the box of clothes as I opened the door, we said one last goodbye before going out to the truck. 

      Paul threw the box into the bed of the truck before hopping into his seat and starting the engine, "How about we go pick up a pizza and some ice cream. Sam and Emily won't be back until tonight and the rest of the pack is with their families or they're out patrolling. We'll pretty much have the house to ourselves". I nodded in agreement, as he drove us to pick up a pizza from the shop in Forks. I waited out in the truck, watching him as he stood in the shop waiting for the pizza to be made. He caught me looking at him and winked as he came back to the truck, handing me the pizza before running to the small convenient store next to the pizza shop. He returned in just a couple minutes with a bag in his hands. 

      We laid down on the couch together, a blanket draped over us so that I could keep the excess heat that he gives off. I turned on the television to whatever cheesy romantic movie was one, Paul and I just sat on the couch eating the pizza and watching the movie. After we finished the pizza, I laid my legs across his lap and turned my full attention to the movie. His hand traced up my legs and settled on my stomach. "Every time I look at you, I see my future. Our future. Just knowing that I get to spend every day seeing your beautiful face and being able to raise a baby with you, it makes me so happy". I looked at him to see a tear roll down his face, he surprises me more and more every time that we get time alone. I get to see his emotions and how much he truly loves me and is so excited for the baby. 

      I laid my hand over top of his, "I am the happiest that I have ever been with you, our baby is going to be the best thing to ever happen to us. I love you more than anything, well almost anything". We both laughed knowing that I meant I love him and our baby equally. "Our little family". He leaned down and gave me a kiss, his lips moved from my lips to my cheek and then down to my neck. He kissed all over my neck, his hand never leaving my stomach, and then he pulled away as the front door opened. We just waited until the person entered the doorway, the heavy footsteps belonged to Jake. He stepped into the room to have the light reveal how upset he was, I looked at Paul and then back at Jake again, "Paul can you give us a minute?". 

      He got up from the couch, patting Jake on the shoulder. We heard the front door shut as Jake took the seat next to me, I turned to look at him, "I kissed her yesterday". That was all he said, I looked at him and I think my mouth dropped open in astonishment. 

      "Well what happened after that?", he looked up at me with a small smile on his face and then he went serious again. 

      "She punched me in the face and she sprained her hand", I chuckled a little at the thought of Bella, a human, punching Jake. I smiled at the thought and then looked at him again. 

      "I know her punch did not hurt that bad, so what has my big bad best friend so upset?".

      He laughed at the name I gave him and then he sighed, "I am just so tired of her not choosing me. She loves him and I love her, I know that I am stupid for it but I can't help it". I nodded my head and whispered 'I know' in his ear as he leaned into me and cried. I hate seeing Jake so hurt and it makes me dislike Bella even more. I know she has made it obvious to him that she does not want him now, but she spent months leading him on and making him believe that she wants him. 

      When Jake finally calmed down, he gave me a hug before leaving to head out for his patrol. Paul took his spot from before and pulled me so that I was sitting closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me so that I could kiss him again, "Thank you for waiting, Jake needed to talk". He nodded and gave me another kiss before turning back to the television, while I was leaning my head on his shoulder. 

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