The Nerds vs the Vamps, Prt 2

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A/N: Major cringe warning because Jesse is a little freaky!

Sara pulled into a parking spot in front of the movie theater and parked the car. There was a long line of Duskers associating with one another about how excited they were for the premiere.
"This is it," Sara proclaimed. "Erika and I waited a WHOLE YEAR for this advanced screening..."
"Oh... REALLY lame," Benny remarked.
"Just read your magic book, dork," Sara rebuttled.
"The bouncer looks like one of 'em. Think he recognizes us?" Ethan asked Sara, pointing out a tall, muscular man with skin that seemed untouched by the sun.
"It's okay. I think I know another way in."
Sara busted us into the theater through a back entryway.
"Let's get this party started," she said as we entered into a dark hallway with movie posters along the walls.
"Hey, guys. Uh, if I'm reading this correctly, then there's a spell that just makes all the vampires just disappear," Benny inferred about the spell book his grandmother gave him.
"Perfect," Ethan chuckled.
Benny began reading the spell, but something told me that it was going to go all wrong. It was Benny for Pete's sake.
That feeling I had was correct, for when Benny had finished saying the spell, the book disappeared right from in his hands.
We all stood there in shock of the book's sudden poofing away, and an awkward silence followed.
Ethan let out a groan of frustration which broke the silence.
"Let's just get to our places. We're going to have have to deal with not having the book."
"Okay. But none of you better die, got that?" Sarah asked seriously.
We nodded vigorously in response before going our separate ways.
Ethan and I had managed to sneak our way into the utility room, where we were hooking a jug of holy water to the system of fire sprinklers that were spread throughout the theater.
"Don't you think this is a little crazy, ya know, sneaking into a utility room like this?" I asked as we worked.
"Well, all of this is crazy, to be honest," Ethan said as adjusted a few things. "But, nobody deserves to die tonight."
Once everything seemed to be correctly connected, Ethan checked one last time for any errors. When it all was correct, he turned to me, pleased.
"Well done, Sherlock."
"Not too bad yourself, Einstein."
We both laughed as if we shared the same brain cell.
"Alright. Let's message Benny and Sara to tell them that the holy water is hooked up," Ethan said.
He pulled out his phone and sent the message:
Holy water patched in. Plan B ready.
"Let's go. The premiere is going to start soon," Ethan said, checking his watch.
"Let's go kick some vampire butt."
The two of us entered the screening room, but stayed in the back by the exit.
Most of the lights were out, and a group of vampires dressed in red, black, and even both stood on the stage; Jesse and Erica front and center.
"And we have a winner. Ticket number 205," Erika called the winner of the door prize.
A young woman- probably no older than 18 or 19- with black hair, and who wore a black jacket that could have passed as jean or leather, stood from her seat.
"That's me! T-That's me!" she excitedly exclaimed.
The audience clapped and cheered as the girl made her way onto the stage.
"What did I win?" she asked as soon as she was on stage in front of Erika and Jesse.
Jesse stalked up to her before speaking.
"You win what every Dusker wants: this,"
Without warning or giving the girl time, he exposed his fangs through a hiss before plummeting his teeth into her neck.
The sounds of bafflement and awe sounded from the crowd as I covered my eyes because of my body's not-so-great ability to become queasy. And the slurping sounds weren't helping...
As soon as the slurping sounds ended, I uncovered my eyes to see the girl's body flop onto the floor.
"Wow. All they did at the Dusk 2 screening was give out T-shirts," a girl who randomly appeared next to Ethan said before she and another girl who I assumed was her friend found seats for themselves.
Girl? How are you not absolutely disgusted right now-
The audience started talking about how "amazing" the show was as Jesse pulled the Cubile Animus out from his cloak. When he opened it, a luminescent blue stream escaped the girl's body and entered the box as if there was some kind of magnetic attraction between the box and the souls it encased.
"One down, 218 to go," I heard Jesse say as he turned to the dark, curly haired vampire from the party.
"FIRE!" Ethan cried.
The group of vampires became alerted, and eventually spotted us.
Audience members began panicking. A few even ran out of the theater.
Jesse tried to "calm them down", but it was more like trying to make them stay so he could kill them against their will.
Ethan called out "FIRE" for the second time, and many more audience members who sat in the middle and back areas started skittering to the nearest exits.
But the fates of those seated in the front were not so great as soon as Jesse allowed the other vampires to attack the audience.
I mean, you gotta have those souls, right?
Ethan and I began fighting vampires together, plowing through the mob little by little.
From the corner of my eye, I saw Jesse standing on the stage, admiring his work. I felt uncomfortable disgust wash over me once again.
"Brooke, Ethan, hey!" a high voice called from behind us.
We turned around instinctively, only to see Rory, who Ethan nearly sliced open with his knife.
"Whoa! Watch the jacket," Rory said.
He was dressed in a green sweatsuit, and the ends of his blonde hair were curled back to enhance his vampire features.
"Sorry," Ethan said as we continued to fend off vampires.
"Aren't you guys supposed to be going after Jesse and his box thing?"
"Tryin'," Ethan huffed out. "But we're kinda busy here."
There was a sudden scream from behind us.
"Duck for a moment, Brooke," Ethan said, whipping out his gun that had the pencil bullets.
I ducked as he turned around and shot some bullets, which hit a male vampire that was attacking a girl. The vampire let out a screech and retracted his grip, allowing the girl to escape.
"Sweet!" Rory exclaimed in awe.
"Go. And, Rory, lay off the humans," Ethan pleaded.
"I'll quit, I swear. Do you think they make patches for vampires?"
Ethan and I gave him an "I-don't-know" shrug.
When Rory finally left, we spotted Jesse, who gleefully watched everything unfold for one more second before he dropped his cloak to the stage floor and strolled out of the theatre; Cubile Animus in hand.
"Brooke, follow Jesse. I'll go find Benny and Sara," Ethan told me.
I nodded and held my dagger tight before running toward where Jesse made his escape.
"I'm gonna die tonight..."
I was hiding behind a decent-sized tree. But the fact that I succeeded at following Jesse for even about five blocks without being caught made me super suspicious.
This doesn't feel right. Something is off. Maybe he wanted-
I suddenly felt my body being yanked out from behind the tree.
"Let me go!" I yelped as I struggled to get out of the arms of whoever grabbed me.
"Funny thinking you could hide from a vampire," a familiar voice whispered, their breath piercing my ear.
I turned my head to meet the eyes of the mad man himself.
I tried to stab him with my knife in defense, but he caught my wrist.
"Whoa, whoa. Drop the knife, shorty. I admire your fire, though," he smirked.
I scoffed before reluctantly releasing the knife from my hand.
"Good girl," he taunted, his smirk growing wider.
He sniffed the air near my arm.
"Mmm," he hummed pleasurably before pulling my jacket down by the collar, revealing the new stitches I recently had done.
"Fresh stitches, huh? Your blood smells just as sweet as it did during the party. I just can't wait to try it."
His eyes suddenly displayed a violent blue hue, and his fangs began to display.
My eyes widened in disgust and fear. I wriggled even more to try to escape him.
My skin would crawl at the sight of a kitchen knife or an open pair of scissors, so I didn't quite vibe with the fact that a playboy vampire wanted to gouge his teeth into my neck and suck all of my blood.
His hold on me tightened as I continued to struggle.
"Oh, don't be frightened," he shushed. "You should be honored to have such... delectable blood. I'm sure my flock will be jealous when they return to life to see I've claimed it."
If my brain was imagining anything in response to what he just said, it was ginormous versions of the puking emoji.
His fangs glistened like two needles in the bleak moonlight of the enclosing eclipse.
My heart raced like crazy at the sight of exactly how sharp his fangs were. I suddenly felt extremely light headed; I knew my face had suddenly turned pale. My vision and hearing suddenly shut down, and my body was met with complete darkness.
When I regained consciousness, I was still in a standing position, being held by someone much stronger than me.
The nerves in my neck felt strained, as if it had been dangling in the same position for hours.
Despite the tension in my neck, my eyes scanned the scenery around us. The surroundings seemed familiar as soon as my vision cleared: the backyard of a two story red brick house with warm yellow lights illuminating from the inside out. Whoever was holding me was keeping us both hidden in the shadows of a large tree.
I feel like I've seen this place somewhere... even the tree...
And then it clicked: this was the Morgans' backyard.
Their house was built over the ashes of a church that was burned down? Big oof.
"So, the sleepy head is finally awake," a sly voice teased close to my ear.
I turned my head, meeting with the burning blue eyes of my captor (Jesse *cough, cough*), who left me alive for some reason I didn't know...
I began to panic a little as my mind tossed about different thoughts as to why he kept me alive instead of having drank my blood earlier. The small panic attack escalated to the point that tiny whimpers began to escape my throat.
Jesse slapped his large palm over my mouth to muffle my cries.
"Be quiet," he barked through a whisper. "Loser #1 is here. It's showtime!"
Within the brief moment where he removed his hand, I turned body and stretched out to see around the darkness of the tree's trunk. In the distance, I saw the shadowy form of Ethan advancing into the yard.

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