From Dusk 'Till Dawn

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Ethan said something about 219...
The book... The book said that 219 of Reverend Black's followers were killed...
OH FUDGE! Jesse's going to somehow collect 219 souls to bring his dead followers back.
Sara let out a worried sigh.
"So that's why 219 is a target!"
"And this... Cubile Animus thing is gonna help him get it." Ethan added.
Tap, tap, tap.
Oh dear.. What now? Please don't be eavesdropping on our conversation...
We rushed toward the window to see what the tapping was about. Lo and behold, Rory was in the view of the window, gliding above the ground.
"Hey, dudes! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's SUPER-RORY!" Rory chimed, holding his hands out like Superman would.
He grabbed the windowsill for a moment, trying to come into the room from the window.
"Argh!" he howled, retracting his hands from the windowsill.
His balance was lost, causing him to nearly to a belly-flop to the ground.
Sara scoffed.
"You have to be invited in, Genius."
Rory glared at her.
"Jesse doesn't tell us anything."
He then turned his head to face Ethan.
"So, can I come in?" he asked.
"Yes," Ethan invited. "But... as long as you promise no blood-sucking, okay?"
"Dude, MY mouth on YOUR neck?!" Rory grimaced.
Rory hauled himself into the window and into Ethan's room, belly flopping onto the floor as his arms no longer supported him. However, he popped back up and shrugged it off with a smile as if nothing happened.
"Rory, we need you to help us figure out what Jesse is planning." Sara stated.
"Ugh.. Yeah," Ethan added. "He's not a high school kid. He's a cult leader from over 200 years ago, and if-"
"No way... Wait 'til I tell him!" Rory exclaimed.
"RORY! NO. He already knows, okay? And it's not cool," Ethan said.
Rory looked at Ethan while he talked as if he had just burst one of his blood vessels.
"Unless we stop him, a lot of people could die.. INCLUDING US."
"Whoa. Stinks not being immortal..." Rory commented.
"His plan has something to do with a prophecy, and... Maybe you could check his library...?"Sara butted in.
"Yeah. We need details. FAST, okay?" Ethan told Rory.
Rory nodded vigorously.
"And... find out what the Cubile Animus thing is for," he added.
Rory rolled his eyes.
"Kay, that was a let down. It's just some crusty old box. But Jesse's happy, so..." he shrugged.
"Ethan! Brooke! Dinner in ten minutes!" Mrs. Morgan called from downstairs.
"Uh... She can't see you, okay? You gotta go," Ethan stated, grabbing Rory and positioning him to face the window. "Now."
Mrs. Morgan opened Ethan's door. Sara ran towards the now open door, nearly running into Ethan's mom.
"Oh! I was just leaving. Uh... Do you need me to babysit on Friday?" Sara asked, circling around Mrs. Morgan and exiting the room.
She gently grabbed Mrs. Morgan's arm and began leading her out of the room.
Ahhhhh... A diversion.
"Uh, yeah, sure. That'd be great," Mrs. Morgan said, bewildered by Sara's gesture.
As soon as Sara had gotten Mrs. Morgan away from Ethan's room, she slowly released her hand from Mrs. Morgan's arm.
"Wow, you've got a really... strong grip for a little, young thing..." she commented as Sara let go of her arm.
Sara turned around, waved us adieu and closed Ethan's door before leaving.
I turned my attention now to what Ethan and Rory were doing, only to see a blurry grey arc fly out of the window from inside.
Unsteady yelps came from right outside the window. Rory had leaped out of the window and was now trying to find a good balance above the ground.
"Wh-a!" Rory yelped as he belly-flopped onto the grass outside.
Ethan and I both grimaced.
This kid...
The next day, Ethan, Benny and I met up in a hallway waiting for school to start.
(My outfit:)

Ethan had logged onto his laptop and pulled a flash drive from his pocket

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Ethan had logged onto his laptop and pulled a flash drive from his pocket.
"It's from Rory. I found it in my mailbox this morning," he stated.
He plugged in the flash drive and was about to hand Benny his left earbud.
"E-hem!" I coughed.
The two boys looked at me.
"I deserve to listen, too," I said, pulling a headphone divider from my bag:

"I deserve to listen, too," I said, pulling a headphone divider from my bag:

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Ethan nodded, grabbed the divider, and inserted it into the headphone jack. He put his pair of earbuds in one hole, and I put mine in the other.
A video chat screen appeared on Ethan's laptop; the top of the screen saying "Video Chat: Rory". Under the title was a box where Rory's video was playing.
"Hey guys, can you believe this? All these books, and not a SINGLE decent comic! No X-Men; not even The Hulk!" Rory stated, his geek mind clearly perplexed.
Benny rolled his eyes.
"Come on. Focus, buddy. Focus," Ethan said.
"Okay. I, uh... I think I found what you're looking for. Check it out," Rory stated, panning his camera to show some kind of medieval, Gothic book.
The page shown on the camera had a bleak black and white illustration that seemed to be of a statue and small twigs that were built to look like a bird's nest.
"An angel's nest shall seed the earth," Rory began. "Soul for soul; the Black Army's rebirth. Wow. Best metal lyrics EVER! An angels nest shall seed the earth; bong chiga chung chung chung chung chung. Soul for soul; the Black Army's rebirth; bong chiga chung chung chung chung chung."
Benny let out a deep sigh.
"I hate poetry. Nothing makes any sense. What angel's nest?"
Ethan shushed Benny.
"Cubile Animus: nest of souls. They found it by the angel's statue in the cemetery, remember?"
I nodded.
"Oh.." Benny said. "What's seed the earth?"
"The box was buried in the ground, like, a seed, I guess."
"Okay," Benny paused. "The Black Army?"
"Quiet," Ethan and I said in unison.
We all looked around to see if anyone was eavesdropping.
"Easy. It's Reverend Black's followers." Ethan answered.
"Wow. So this is why you always get better marks than me in English, huh?"
Ethan nodded.
"Yeah. That, and I don't call the teacher 'fart-head' to his face."
"Point taken."
Benny looked back at the computer for a moment.
"Second video file on the drive," he said, motioning Ethan to start the next video file.
On the screen showed a wallpaper for the new Dusk movie, a box in the middle of the screen saying "loading trailer". The loading icon was blood running from a hole that resembled a vampire bite.
The three of us became confused as the trailer loaded and began to play.
Our love will sparkle for all time. I'm AB Positive you will be mine. Drinking your hemoglobin may be a crime, but our love will sparkle for all time.
Benny's face scrunched in disgust.
"Why is that on there?!" he exclaimed.
Both me and Ethan both realized something, as we looked up to see an advertisement for Dusk 3 on the wall across from us. The advertisement said: SOLD OUT.
"Wait, what did the poem say about the swallowed moon?" Ethan asked.
Benny shrugged and made a sound that indicated that he didn't know.
Tap, tap, tap, click, click.
"That's it! Tonight is a lunar eclipse, and there's gonna be over 200 kids at that screening; two hundred and nineteen souls," Ethan explained.
"No... Don't say it. Do not say it," Benny said uneasily.
And as if at the exactly right moment, Sara appeared.
"Hey. What'd I miss?" she asked us.
"The absolute worst news yet," Benny told her.
Benny, Ethan, and I all grimaced.
"We have to go see Dusk 3..."

Thank you so much for reading! This chapter is shorter, but I thank all of you guys for being patient with me. I was so busy this summer with online classes and such that I didn't have much time to work on this story. So thank you to all those who stuck it out. I love you all.


MelphySCliff :3

Take Me Home (My Babysitter's a Vampire) Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora