A History of Whitechapel

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"AH!" I hissed, the open sore on my arm stinging from contact with the soapy rag.
"I know it hurts, but we gotta clean it," Sara said, dabbing the blue cloth on my wound once more. "Ethan said he'd get his parents to take you to get new stitches tomorrow."
Cool, just what I wanted...
We had just gotten back to Ethan's house from the vampire party. My arm had gotten worse, and the wound had gotten bigger, as more stitches had already- or were currently- coming out.
Sara was so nice for being willing to clean the bloody gash, but to be completely honest, I felt like she was going to go rabid and try to eat my arm...
After a few more yelps of pain and excruciating stinging sensations, Sara had begun to wrap my arm with whatever bandages the Morgans had owned at the time. And to be brutally honest, the bandage felt like soft sandpaper... If that even exists...
"Sara?" I peeped.
"Has Jesse always been that crazy?"
Sara huffed.
"I guess you could say that. Now, c'mon. You're all patched up."
She outstretched her hand, and I gladly accepted the gesture.
We exited the bathroom and found Ethan patiently waiting on the couch, and Benny had appeared to have gone home.
"Okay, I should be getting home. There's school tomorrow, and we all need sleep," Sara said, picking up her jacket from the arm of one of the chairs, and putting it on.
"Be safe, and don't be stupid."
And then she left.
Ethan's parents had come home, and Mr. Morgan was immediately rushed to bed so he could rest. The poor guy had a terrible headache, and needed an ice pack on his head almost all the time...
I was curled on the couch attempting to get some sleep, dozing off here and there during Ethan and his mother's conversation, but nothing more than that. So, I decided to pull out whatever clothes I was going to wear the next day, and hopefully what my hair would look like so I didn't have to hassle myself that morning:

 So, I decided to pull out whatever clothes I was going to wear the next day, and hopefully what my hair would look like so I didn't have to hassle myself that morning:

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After that, my brain along with the rest of my body shut down for the day, and I was out like a light.
I had an early doctor's appointment for new stitches the next day, so I showed up late to school. 
Throughout the day, Ethan, Benny, and I hadn't seen Rory at all. All three of us suspected that he was dead. I mean, he was one of the biggest nerds I had ever met (and that's saying something, because I'm a nerd myself), so he wouldn't NOT show up to school.
I also never saw Erica, and neither did Sara...
My classes were awful to me, and I was piled with enough homework that I had drowned just from the first couple periods... And I was still spooked from the previous night, so it was hard for me to focus on my work.
What a killjoy...
Oh, hallelujah..., I thought, packing my things and marching out the door of my last period.
I honestly felt like I was going to die...
I met Ethan and Benny in the hallway near the office, and we exited the school.
When we got outside, I noticed that there was a nice breeze. All the shaded areas about and around the school made the lighting seem paler, and it strangely felt like morning still...
"GUYS! WAAASSSUUUPPP?" a slightly high-pitched voice called from near a tree.
Our attention went to the source of the voice, which appeared to be none other than Rory... who was decked out in different articles of clothing that did not go together: a blue t-shirt with white print, grey camouflage pants, and a gradient white to grey track hoodie. And to top it all off, two long chain necklaces- one black, the other white- and sunglasses. He even pushed his hair back with what seemed like gel, mousse, or hairspray- or even all three. To be honest, I missed his nerdy look.
Rory approached us with the most jubilant look I had ever seen, especially after encountering a ginormous pack of vampires...
"Rory, you're... We thought you were DEAD," Ethan said in complete disbelief that his friend was standing right in front of him.
"All I know is: I woke up the morning after the party feeling AWESOME. No asthma. I don't need my glasses. And I barely have to sleep anymore."
Rory paused and looked up at the sky.
"The only problem is the sun... KIND of annoying..." he said, averting his eyes back down to us.
"You're a fledgling, too?" Benny asked very skeptically.
"HECK NO! I'm rocking the full on vampire action, dude! The BIG V!"
He crossed his two index fingers into a "V" shape, and then held his hand up as if wanting us to high-five him...
"Can I get a "WHAT, WHAT"?!" he asked, still holding his hand up.
"WHAT?! You DRANK human blood?"
Rory gave us a guilty look, and tilted his head slightly to the side and shrugged.
"They said if I didn't I'd die..."
He lifted his head back up.
"All the other kids were doing it!"
That's still not an excuse- I mean a GOOD EXCUSE, Rory...
"Do you have ANY idea what you've just done to yourself?" Benny asked, infuriated.
Benny gritted his teeth and squoze his fist in frustration. His frustrated expression went away as the three of us noticed three people in hoodies and sunglasses coming up behind Rory; one of them being the creepy curly-haired guy from the party.
Rory turned around and his eyes met with the dark haired guy.
"Sorry... I gotta go to church..." he explained, turning back to us.
"Church...?  Vampires don't do "church"..." Ethan stated.
Rory shrugged.
"Jesse says we have to. He's so bossy. He's all "bluh bluh, the prophecy" and "bluh bluh, you must find the Cuban Animals-""
"CUBAN ANIMALS?" Ethan, Benny, and I asked in unison.
"What are you talking about?" Benny added.
"I don't know. That's what it sounded like. Anyway... We'll hang out later. Or FANG out!" Rory joked, showing his fangs. "ZING!"
Oi, this kid...
"Pack your bags. We're going to church," Ethan said, a smug look spread on his face.
Benny and I looked at each other, the both of us clearly not seeming to understand Ethan's statement.
"What?" Benny asked as we began to follow the group of vampires.
"This is ridiculous..." I murmured as Ethan and I hid behind a tombstone.
"What?! No, it's not," Ethan quietly retorted.
Yes, it is... We're freaking hiding from creatures with extremely high senses of smell...
The sound of shoes patting on the ground and panting came from nearby. Ethan and I turned around to see Benny holding a pitcher full of holy water.
"Sh. They're over there," Ethan shushed Benny, and gestured toward the giant cult of bloodsuckers atop the hill.
Benny flung himself onto his stomach, and placed the pitcher of water in an- oddly- conveniently sized hole in the ground.
"Look at 'em: hoodies and sunglasses. Nice look if you're a-"
"Hey," a feminine voice from behind us cut Benny off.
The three of us jumped at the sound of the voice, but when we turned around, the voice's source was none other than Sara. She crouched down next to me.
Just like the other vampires, she wore a hoodie over her head and sunglasses.
"Looking good," Benny complimented Sara.
"Heh." Sara huffed in response.
Ethan looked at her in confusion.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"Same as you. I'm following THEM. I just wish I knew what they were up to..." she answered.
"Well, according to Rory, they're after the 'Cuban Animals'." Benny added, snickering whilst shaking his head.
"Cuban Animals? You mean CUBILE ANIMUS?!" Sara asked, alarmed. "I've heard Jesse mention it before. And I think it's Latin, or something."
Benny's face scrunched, as if he was completely perplexed by what Sara had just said.
Sara placed one of her hands on Ethan's shoulders to get a better look at what the vampires were doing. Ethan tensed under her touch, and his eyes began to glow a grey-ish blue color.
Another vision?
After a few moments, the tension in his body released, and his eyes went back to their original dark hue.
"Two... Two-hundred-and-nineteen?" he mumbled in bewilderment.
"Wikipedia says that 'Cubile Animus' is Latin for 'nest of souls'," Benny stated, slowing down as soon as he got to the word's meaning.
"I think I just saw it! This little box with weird carvings on it..." Ethan commented.
"A box? Like THAT ONE?" Sara said, pointing toward where the group of vamps were.
Looking ahead at the top of the hill, the vampires had began passing around a small box. Was that the box that I saw before I blacked out?
Benny huffed.
"Great! Nest of souls... How long until something hatches?"
"We HAVE to stop them." Ethan disclosed.
Benny chuckled and reached for the pitcher of water.  
"We got a fresh supply of anti-vampire juice-" he stated, harshly yanking the pitcher from out of the hole to the point where water splashed out of it and directly on Sara.
"OW!  What the heck?!" Sara yipped, massaging her burned hands.
That's when we knew we needed to leave...
We ran for miles, and then finally turned into a what seemed like a safe neighborhood, slowing down to a walking pace.  Benny was still equipped with the holy water, and glanced behind himself every so often.  
"So, what's with these... visions?  You get them often?" Sara curiously asked Ethan.
"No.  They started when you showed up," Ethan answered.  "Some door opens up to a new dimension, or something....  I think it happens when we touch.  Here."
He put his hand out to touch Sara's, but she jerked her hand away before he could.
"Nice try, Casanova," she snickered.
"Can't blame a player for trying," Benny remarked. 
He paused, as if he was thinking. 
"But...  Maybe I get visions, too, if-" he implied reaching for Sara's hand.
"Cut it out!" Ethan slapped his hand away.  "You don't get visions."
I giggled.
That was real smooth, Benny.
"And if I see that hand again, I'll consider it a snack." Sara threatened.
"So...  Jesse never told you what the prophecy is...  Or...  What 219 means?" Ethan asked her.
"I'm just a fledgling, remember?  He'd only tell a REAL vampire."
"None of them are dumb enough to just tell us," Benny inquired.
There was an awkward silence as all of us tried to figure out a solution.
Ethan was the first to speak up.
"Well...  One of 'em is..." he stated.
The other three of us smiled victoriously.
"And I have his number," Benny said, pulling out his lime green phone.
When we got back home, Ethan and I raced to our electronics and began private research on vampires.  
Sam (Mrs. Morgan) had finished laundry, and headed up to Ethan's room.
Knock, knock, knock.
"Oh, Sara must be here!" I exclaimed, putting my kindle down and rushing to open the front door.
"Hi!" Sara greeted.
"Hi, Sara.  Come on in," I smiled.
She was holding a book that had a black base and yellow and chestnut squiggly designs.  On the front cover was a huge square with the words "A History of Whitechapel".  Underneath the title was the year 1894.  
I tilted my head like a confused puppy, one of my eyebrows arched.
"I found this book, and I really think it'll help," she explained.
"Okay.  Ethan's in his room, so...  Go ahead and just head up there?"
Mrs. Morgan came down the stairs a really long time after she went up them.  Ethan, Sara, and her must have had a really awkward conversation... 
I think I'm gonna go check on them...  
I placed my tablet down and trotted up the stairs to Ethan's room.
"A fledgling has twenty-eight days to drink human blood or their mortal body dies," Sara's voice said faintly.  
"Really?  Is it true?" Ethan asked. 
"I'm going on about a week, but it won't matter much if we can't stop Jesse and the others.  But I found this book at the library that I thought might help.  Believe it or not: not EVERYTHING is on the net."
"A History of Whitechapel- 1894..." Ethan muttered.
Were they leaving me out of this?!  Heck nah!  I deserve to know, too!
Knock, knock.
The door opened, and Ethan stood in the doorway, looking at me like "what are you doing?".  
"Hi.  Sorry to disturb you guys.  And I hate to be the annoying third wheel or anything, but I think I deserve to know all this vampire stuff, too."
Ethan turned his head to look at Sara.  She grudgingly nodded her head.  
"Uh, yeah.  Come on in." Ethan opened the door wider, allowing me to quickly slide in before shutting the door.  
"So, there's no other chairs..." Ethan said, scratching the back of his head.
"It's fine.  I can stand," I said.
"Okay.  Let's get into it," Sara stated.
We all gathered around Ethan's desk and situated ourselves; Sara and Ethan on the two chairs, and me standing in a window between the two so I could see the book.
Sara and Ethan both grabbed a side of the book.  Sara opened it and began to read:
"The town of Whitechapel was actually once known as Black's Church, founded in 1809 by Reverend Horace Black.  Black's disciples preyed upon the nearby townspeople until the night of a lunar eclipse, when an angry mob trapped them all in their place of worship and burned it to the ground.  219 people died, and their remains buried in an unmarked grave.  The next year, the town was reborn as Whitechapel."    
Ethan tensed as soon as she had started reading.  
Dang, this kid and his visions...
When Sara finished reading,  Ethan jerked slightly forward and then released his hold on the right side of the book. 
"What was that, another vision?" Sara asked suspiciously.
Ethan's eyes repeatedly fluttered closed for a few seconds, and then settled.
"Y-yeah.  It just stopped..."
He paused for a moment.
"I feel like there's something missing.  T-there was more: something important.  I need you to touch me again," he told Sara.
Sara scoffed. 
"This better not be another line..." she said.
"Just... please?"
Sara then placed her hand in Ethan's, and the symptoms of his visions repeated again for a few moments.  When he came out of his trance, he shared with us something that we never thought was possible.
"Okay, um...  The book left out one HUGE detail: Reverend Black is JESSE."

Thanks SO much for reading!  I know this update was slow.  I've just been super busy because of school.  But since March is almost over, I should have some more time to be able to work on this story for you guys!  I love you guys, and thanks again!  

                    MelphySCliff :3  


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