Welcome to Whitechapel High!

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My eyes fluttered open. The first thing I saw was a boy with brown hair, dark brown eyes, and the pinkest lips I had probably ever seen; the one and only Ethan Morgan.
"Ah. She's awake. And ALIVE!" he said, looming over me.
I slowly sat up, groaning from head and arm aches.
"How long was I out?"
"Um.... About 7 hours."
"7 hours?!"
"Yeah. We had to take you to the hospital because the wound on your arm was too deep. So you had to get stitches."
Examining my arm, I noticed big stitch work. It just made me feel inhuman.
"W-was I out for that, too?" I asked, knowing one of my worst fears was having to get stitches.
"Yeah. You were. You're lucky to be alive. By the time we got there, you lost a ton of blood."
"What's the time?"
He looked at his alarm clock.
"6:15 AM. School starts at 8:20, and we have to get you registered."
"6:15? Wow....."
Ethan rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah. How about make a goal of 7:00 this morning?"
"Sure. What school are we going to, anyway?"
"Whitechapel Highschool," he answered.
"Yeah. Whitechapel. I'm guessing you've never heard of it."
"No, I have.... I just don't remember where."
"Well, I will leave you to get ready. See you later, Brooke."
He sent me a gentle smile before vacating the room.
Looking at my surroundings more, I was in the Morgan's living room. The walls were a light beige, and the color of the furniture and the lighting complimented the entire room very well. It had a friendly and cozy atmosphere, which gave me warm relaxation.
Next to the couch was a pastel pink and purple bag, with the name "Brooke" embedded into it in light purple thread.
"How did you get here?" I asked, grabbing it and slinging it around my shoulder.
I headed into the restroom and got ready for my first day at Whitechapel High, and Whitechapel itself.
Looking into my bag, it had NOTHING in it. No clothes, no combs. Nothing...
Okay. Plan B.
I rummaged through the empty bag, pulling out some random clothes....:

They were cute and all, but there was absolutely NOTHING taking up space in the bag! Maybe it was a Marry Poppins kind of bag

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They were cute and all, but there was absolutely NOTHING taking up space in the bag! Maybe it was a Marry Poppins kind of bag....?
"Well, might as well see." I mumbled to myself.
I thought of my alto saxophone. Hopefully they had some kind of a band class or club over at the school.
I dug through my bag again, and all of a sudden, my hands caught grip of a handle. Out came out my alto saxophone (in its case, of course).
I breathed slightly heavy. Astonishment and disbelief coursed through my mind.
"I... have a Marry Poppins bag.... I. Have. A. Marry. Poppins. Bag.... I have a Marry Poppins bag!"
I cheered, and then gently placed the saxophone back into the bag.
After changing into the clothes I pulled out of my bag, I put my flowing brown hair into a half up, half down style. I wasn't the best at doing hair, so it looked decent, but better than other times I did the same style.
Walking out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, I pulled out a bottle of TruMoo chocolate milk and a blueberry muffin for breakfast.
"Oh, hey, Brooke," a small voice greeted from behind me. "You look nice."
I turned around to see Jane. Her hazel eyes were stars shining down on me.
"Hey, Jane. Before you say anything, please don't tease me about how I'm shorter than you." I said, leaning lightly against the counter. "And you look nice, too."
"Thanks. And I won't tease you. I am glad to be taller than at least one high schooler, though."
Her dirty blonde hair bounced as she walked away to make her breakfast.
I looked at the time. 6:55,it read. I finished my breakfast and headed back to the living room. Ethan was sitting on the couch watching some vampire movie. It looked like a REALLY terrible spin off of Twilight. What kind of a name was Jakeward?
"What are you watching?" I asked him.
"Dusk." he answered, eyes glued to the screen.
"Dusk? Sounds like a spoof of Twilight."
"What's Twilight?"
"You don't know what Twilight is?"
"Nope," he shook his head.
I sighed.
"It's just like this, but the main characters' names aren't 'Michelle' and 'Jakeward'. Their names are 'Bella' and 'Edward'. Twilight was EXTREMELY popular, and still is for some people."
His eyes tore off the screen and he faced me.
"That's just weird. Have you been imagining things?"
"No..." I whispered.
"Okay....?" he said, turning his arm to see the time on his watch. "It's time to go. Benny always walks to school with me, so he's probably waiting for us outside."
He turned off the TV.
"Alright, let's go."
We grabbed our bags and headed out the door.
"So, what's so exciting about Dusk anyway?" I asked Ethan.
"Honestly, I've no idea. It's just really popular as of right now. Jane loves it; watches it every night before bed."
"Really? It doesn't give her nightmares?"
"No." he answered snickering a little bit at my question.
Up ahead, Benny was leaning against the gate in front of the Morgans' house.
"Hey, Benny!" Ethan and I said in unison as we opened the gate.
"Hey, Ethan. Brooke."
Once again, he winked at me.
Along the way to school, we ended up talking about Star Wars and other geeky things. I found that I had a lot in common with both Benny and Ethan, but still some differences.
The two still reminded me of the most awkward of junior high students, but this was their first day of highschool. And I was one of those awkward kids, too.
We looked around for the councilor's office for about 10 to 15 minutes before actually finding it. During the time of trying to find it, Benny was flirting, and Ethan was trying to act cool. I hesitantly walked in and went to the councilor's desk.
"May I help you, sweetie?" she said warmly.
"Yes. I just moved here yesterday, and I need a schedule.
"Ah, yes. Please take a seat."
I sat in the nearest chair.
"Here's a paper to fill out your schedule." she said, sliding a registration form onto the desk. "And if you want to know the classes that are filled up, feel free to look at the paper right there."
She pointed to a piece of paper taped to one of her filing cabinets.
"Thank you."
"No problem, sweetie. May I have your name, please?"
"Oh, yes. My name's Brooke Cliff."
"Is it spelled exactly as it sounds?"
"Yes. But 'Brooke' has an 'e' after the 'k'."
She typed my name into to her computer. I started filling out my registration form. I became ecstatic when I saw they did indeed have band classes.
Looking at the paper the councilor pointed out, a bunch of classes were already full. Not that I wanted to take any of those classes....
At the very bottom of the form, it said that you had to sign up for at least one club, and then shown a list of all the clubs at Whitechapel High. I wanted to join the Drama club, but I had a slightly bad feeling, so I signed up for chess club instead.
After I filled out the registration form, I gave it back to the councilor, who then gave me my locker number and code.
"Thank you!" I said, smiling.
"You're welcome. If you have any problems with your schedule, you can come back here, okay?"
"Yes. Thanks again!"
I walked out the door and sighed.
"So, how'd it go?" Benny asked.
"It went well, actually." I answered.
I showed them my schedule.

Take Me Home (My Babysitter's a Vampire) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now