The Final Ruling

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Kageyama's POV
Today was the way I dreaded most. A drizzly Sunday morning that made it feel like the world was against me. With bags under my eyes and my body aching, I stepped out the shower and dried off, doing my best to get my hair back into it's normal flat state. When I deemed it suitable I slipped into the suit that was laid out on the bed. A simple white shirt with a black blazer and black pants, tied together with a black tie. Shinryaku was forced to stay in her tattoo form because of my house arrest. I wasn't even allowed to let her out even for a minute. I walked out the room, the shock devise feeling heavy on my ankle as I walked to the kitchen.

My eyes stayed trained into the floor refusing to look at my mother. She was probably disappointed in me and furious about what I'd done. The day of the incident she had left to go back to work. Upon receiving the call about me, she returned three days later and since then neither of his have spoken a word to each other.
I hardly ate, I barely drank and my fingers hadn't even so much as grazed a volleyball. I felt worthless and absolutely crazy. I probably was. I mean... I had killed someone after all...

Hinata's POV
I was allowed to return home the day after waking up. I was limping because of the snake bite to my ankle and my head throbbed drastically. I stayed cooped up in my room and I barely ate the food my mother would bring for me. Natsu had tried to comfort me by snuggling up inside the blanket one time, but it ended up making me cry as I silently wish I could be holding Kageyama in my arms again.
The day after returning home, I was informed of when the hearing would be held. That was today. This drizzly Sunday morning on which held my pending boyfriend's fate. I don't even know what we were anymore. I wasn't allowed to speak to him. We weren't allowed to sort things out. But today was the day. The day I'd finally see him. Up against a judge in court on trial for murder. A murder he never intended.

I felt heavy as I read through the notes I half prepared whilst buttoning up my white shirt. Mumbling to myself, I slipped on the burgundy blazer that matched my pants before sorting out the matching tie around my neck. I kept Itazura as a tattoo on my back, not really wanting her company all that much before sighing.

"This is going to be hell..." I groaned before walking out the door and heading to the living room.
"Morning Mom..." I greeted in barely a whisper as I sat down at the table running my fingers lazily through my matted hair.
"Good morning Shoyou. Here eat up," she spoke as she placed a plate of origini in front of me. "You'll need your strength today."
I nodded a thank you and started eating. But I only managed to eat half of one before feeling like I was about to puke.

Today wasn't going to be easy...

~Time skip~

There. Right there. That's where he stands now. The first time I've seen him since then. And this is where I see him. Stood in the box whilst I sat below him nervously bouncing my leg up and down. I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder making me glance to the side to see Sugawara giving me a gentle smile to try and reassure me.

The case details had been explained already and we were now returning into the court room for statements. I was up first. Taking a deep breath, I shakily made my way up to the podium before the judge.

I stayed silent and waited until I was spoken to.
"Shouyo Hinata, son of the victim Akumi Hinata correct?" I cringed hearing that name again. I gulped before answering as confidently I could, refusing to look at Kageyama in the box.
"Y-yes your honour."
"Can you give a brief description of what your father was like?"
Sighing shakily I looked between Daichi, Suga and my mother before starting to speak.
"W-we never had the best relationship. He was drunk most of the time a-and he was always cruel..." I paused slightly only now taking a glance at Kageyama before continuing. "W-when I was six he started to abuse me i-in a sexual way, as well as abuse my mother whilst she was p-pregnant with my sister... when she was born h-he focused on me. It continued for two years before he was imprisoned..." I sighed shakily after explaining, feeling my body trembling.

"And could you describe the defendant and your relationship with him please?"

At this question I finally turned my head and looked at Kageyama properly. He looked broken. It looked as if he'd hardly eaten and hadn't slept in the entire week he'd been at home. It broke my heart. I knew I had to answer so I finally spoke up.

"Kageyama and I met back in a volleyball tournament in middle school. We argued a lot when we found out we were in the same high school team but we were always friends underneath it all. Eventually things progressed and we became partners and I loved every second of it. He was always protective of me and anyone close to him but he'd never go so far as to k-kill anyone. At least not intentionally." I answered somewhat confidentially, my eyes finally looking at the judge.

"Thank you for that Shouyo Hinata. You may be seated."

"Yes your honour." With that I limped back to my seat as the trial continued. My mother spoke next, followed by Sugawara, then Daichi and finally Kageyama spoke. I couldn't listen to what he was saying. I drowned out all noise not wanting to hear anything until finally we were all dismissed and to return within the hour when the finally verdict would be given.

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