But Why?

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Hinata's POV
"Hey Kags.... let's step outside and you can talk to me..." my voice was a calm whisper in Kageyama's ear as his body shook as he held me close. He simply nodded and stood up, me beside him, refusing to let go of his hand. I heard Tsukkishima snicker away to himself so I whipped my head to face him, glaring daggers at the blonde male as Tanaka whacked the back of his head making him shut up.
Eventually Kageyama and I stepped outside, closing the doors behind us so the rest of the team could continue training and so the rest of them couldn't hear our conversation.
We walked in silence, sitting down in the grass beside the gymnasium. I let him rest his head in my lap as he lay down, my back against the wall as my hand gently ran through his dark locks of hair.

Kageyama's POV
I could feel my body still shaking as I lay down in Hinata's lap, feeling comfort as his hand ran through my hair. We stayed in silence for a few minutes until my shaking finally stopped before I decided to speak up and explain.
"I- I apologise..." my voice was weak which was a total opposite to my normal attitude.
"What for Tobio?..." my spiker's voice was calm and relaxing, his gentle hand still running through my hair.
"My mind is just... all over the place... Something odd happened last night after I dropped you off at yours." I explained.
"W-well... I was being followed... I couldn't tell who it was but he was about an inch taller then I was and his build was quite muscular... but that was all I managed to get from him before I locked myself in my house..." I confessed, unconsciously leaning into the carrot top's touch against my head.

"Strange. Well I'm sure it's nothing. He probably just happened to be going the same way you were and you let your head get the best of you." Hinata explained, his fingers still gently running through my hair. Thinking about it he was probably right. But what still concerned me was why I had such a reaction when I looked at Hinata during my serve. I mean he didn't resemble him in any way. Okay his hair had a bit of an orange tint looking back at it but that could mean anything.

I sighed covering my eyes with my arm, letting out a soft chuckle. "I'm so pathetic."
"What?! Don't say that Kageyama! You're not pathetic just- um... imaginative! Yeah imaginative, letting your brain run ahead of you." Hinata tried comforting me. It worked, but not a lot I'll be honest.
But I'm appreciative of the help so I sat up and turned around.
"Are you feeling any better now? Wanna go back into practice?" The carrot top asked, his bronze eyes burning, practically drawing me in closer to him. I felt my eyes flicker between his eyes and his lips as my face moved closer to his. I'm guessing he got the hint as his eyes fluttered shut the closer I got, his breathing quickening ever so slightly. My eyes also closed, my lips pressing against his as by hand moved to rest on his cheek, my finger tips ever so slightly messing with the orange tangles in his hair.
I was a little shocked when I felt his tongue run across my bottom lip. Needy little shrimp. He made me chuckle internally but I obliged, slightly parting my lips to allow Shouyo's tongue to slip into my mouth as mine did the same, mapping out every inch of his mouth. I silently snickered when I heard a soft moan in his throat, as my tongue ran across his teeth.
Whilst my eyes were closed, I still felt Hinata's arms wrap around my neck. Neither of us cared if we were outside gym or near the school where we could be seen. To us, it was just each other enjoying a blissful moment of peace.
But I finally pulled away, looking once again into those adorable bronze orbs. I smiled softly.

"I had to do that first before we went back in. Think of it as a thank you." I spoke up, watching as Shouyo's face exploded into a huge blush. I chucked before standing in my feet, holding my hand out to help up the shrimp. He took my hand and stood up before letting go and walking in the direction of the doors to the gym. I followed as he opened the door, feeling much better than I did at the start of the practice.
Shutting the door behind us, we continued on with practice - well after we convinced Suga and Daichi everything was fine.

We continued as normal, finishing practice like any normal day. All of us headed back to the club room to change into our uniforms ready for the school day to begin.

Time Skip
It's now 10 minutes until the end of our last class and I'll admit, I was fucking exhausted but I couldn't sleep now. Evening practice today consisted of a practice game against Nekoma. And they were the sneakiest cats around now-a-days. I heard their setter was like some kind of master mind or something. Plus their entire team are experts on receives whilst Karasuno - well.... aren't.

Either way I was somewhat excited, and after this morning I needed to build my reputation up again and this was the perfect way to do it. 
I glanced up at the clock, my leg starting to bounce in anticipation under the table as the hands moved closer and closer to four pm- end of classes. I'd finished the work, granted to a bare minimum but I'd done it.
Eventually the bell finally rang and shot from my seat, quickly stuffing my supplies into my bag before rushing back to the club room to change into my kit.

However by the time I got there, I hadn't seen Hinata whatsoever....
I'd seen him during the day obviously but I didn't see him at all on the way or at the club room.
I started to panic a little until I finally spotted a head of orange making its way towards the club room. I frowned a little noticing his slow pace - normally he'd be rushing to try and beat me to the club room. Eventually he reached where I was stood a noticeable fake smile plastered on his face.
"Are you alright?..." my voice was calm and soft towards the ginger male as I gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
I noticed it looked like he'd been limping as he walked here but I couldn't tell.
"Yeah I'm.. fine.." immediately my head started to overthink. His voice was different, his senior different, his actions different, everything about him... seemed different....

I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by Tanaka and Nishinoya calling out to us as they neared the club room.

So I closed my mouth and kept silent as the four of us entered the club room and changed, the rest of the team close behind.
But throughout it all my head my was spinning uncontrollably as my mind thought about what on earth could've happened to my spiker to make him act so differently...

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