Mother's Input

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Hinata's POV
When I arrived home I was instantly greeted with a huge, practically bone-crushing hug from my mother and sister. I hugged back after I'd gotten over the surprise to assure them.
My mother pulled back quickly and started talking:
"Shouyou sweetie I was so worried about you! How are you feeling? Did Kageyama take care of you properly? Did you manage to get enough sleep did you-" she stopped her mumbling suddenly making me confused. I looked up at her to see what was wrong and I saw her stood there staring at me with a look of horror on her face.

I looked at her eyes and noticed they were staring at my neck. Realising that I instantly froze. Shit I forgot about those....
I opened my mouth about to protest until I suddenly spent a hard whack to the top of my head. I yelped in pain and instantly moved my hands to rub my now sore head.
"How dare you lie to your mother?!" I flinched as she raised her tone. She rarely did and it had to be extremely serious for her to do so.
Before she could carry on I instantly began defending myself - my voice still cracking and hoarse because I had yet to get it back because of the illness.

"Wait mom please! It's not what you think I really was ill!"
I squeezed my eyes shut awaiting another hit but it never came. Silence fell as I slowly opened my eyes to look at her, seeing she was stood with her arms folded, a cross and somewhat disappointed look on her features.
When she spoke her tone was quiet but it sent shivers down my spine - and not in a good way.

"So care to explain why you have hickeys on both sides of your neck?" By this point Natsu has left the room and it was just me and my mother stood by the front door.
Trying to find the right words I began stuttering a response as best as I could.
"W-well.... I d-did actually become ill the d-day To- Kageyama called you... I was shivering and felt cold but I had a really high t-temperature and my throat felt like it was b-burning...." I physically couldn't look at my mother as I continued knowing I had to tell the truth no matter how much I didn't want to. So I continued:
"A-as for the h-hickeys.... w-well it was m-my fault not his... Y-you see I had a panic attack about him and he calmed me down. My mind started to run wild and I told him I wanted to see how it f-felt when I wasn't b-being forced against my will...." I explained as best I could hoping she'd believe me.
It was silent for a few excruciatingly minutes before she finally spoke.
"So you're the one that asked?" I nodded sheepishly as a response.
"He didn't force you in anyway at all?" I shook my head finally looking at her.
"Are you official?" I nodded.
"Does he know about what happened to us?" I nodded again.
"All of it?" Again I nodded.
"Would you be willing to trust him with your life?" I nodded again with confidence this time.
"I see.... well I'm glad you told me the truth and didn't lie to me like I was expecting. Whilst I'm on the fence about you being in a gay relationship I'll keep my mouth shut about it for now." I had to refrain myself from smiling widely as a small shine crept its way to my eyes. I looked down about to bow and say thank you but instead I was greeted with a hug. It surprised me since I wasn't expecting it after the words she spoke but I hugged back regardless.

"I just want to make sure you're safe. I saw what happened on the news about the guy."
She pulled away and stared at me right in the eyes.
"I'll let you stay late for practices but if you do I want you to message me and I want you to either bring Kageyama here or you go to Kageyama's. Simply for the reason of your safety. Do you understand me?" Her voice had calmed now as she spoke to me with sincerity.

"I understand mom. Thank you." I couldn't help but crack a smile at her words.
"Alright then. There's some dinner in the kitchen for you. I'm going to put your sister to bed whilst you eat. One you've eaten it's straight to bed for you okay?" She instructed me.
"Okay mom." And with that I made my way to the kitchen finding a plate of food resting in the dining table. It was cold but in my opinion it tasted better this way. I sat down and practically inhaled my food. I placed my plate in the sink and washed it before going to my room for the night.

I slipped out of my jacket and pulled of my t-shirt, looking closer in the small wall mirror I have beside my door at the hickeys. They were pretty big and were really dark. It's no wonder my mother saw them. I chuckled a little to myself as I gently ran my fingers over my shoulder, releasing Itazura from her tattoo confines. I shuddered when I felt the temporary ink swirling over my back before slipping off completely the galaxy colours growing smaller as her feathered form was created. She squawked softly as she landed on my shoulder, nuzzling her beak against my cheek.
"Hey girl how are you?" I asked, pulling out a bird treat from the drawers near my bed and feeding it to her. I smiled as I watched her take it from my fingers and nibble on it as she enjoyed her treat.

Itazura quickly finished her treat and she flapped her wings sorting out the feathers before she folded them against her body as I sat down on my bed my mind running through the events of this weekend. I smiled widely at the thought of the possibility of being able to finally forget about my father once and for all. Gently scratching underneath Itazura's chin, I heard her cooing as I sighed contently.
She suddenly clapped her wings again and flew towards her "nest" on my draws, settling herself in the jumble of torn fabrics. I fell back onto the bed resting an arm over my eyes as my mind continued to race with the events that occurred with Tobio during the weekend. It made my stomach flip and flutter in anticipation of the future - my eyes slowly closing as I began to lose consciousness, the last thing running through my brain being that of knowing nothing I could never be hurt again with Itazuta, Shinryaku and Tobio protecting me.

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