A Bond Beyond Any Other

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Hinata's POV
My eyes were wide with fear as I lay curled up at the top end of the bed, clutching my knees and tears streaming down my cheeks as I watched him attack her. The way his punches forced her to the floor. The way she stood back up to keep fighting but was still knocked down with every punch and kick thrown in her direction. I felt helpless. I was frozen in horror. I wanted to help her. I wanted to protect her. I wanted to destroy that fiend that pounced on her as if she was some measly prey just asking to be killed. But I was frozen. My body wouldn't move. My voice was broken. My mouth wouldn't open. My eyes wouldn't close. My body was forcing me to watch as the one person who cared was beaten and battered before my very eyes.
When she was finished and had finally gone past her limit of protection, she was thrown and locked out the room before he turned to me. His eyes were glistening and it wasn't a good sign. It meant he was riled, and I was his stress relief. It was days like these I hated. Because he gave me no mercy.

I stayed silent, shaking and cowering as he walked over and gripped my collar, slamming me onto my front as he used his free hand to rip off my shorts and boxers. The tears never stopped - staining my cheeks and the bedding underneath me as I lay still waiting for the hell as he removed his own clothing.

And then without warning he smacked my ass hard, forcing me to bite my lip before he gripped my neck and hovered over me as he slammed into me, my lip bleeding heavily as I bit my lip ten times harder.

His hand moved from my neck to my hair, pulling my head back far behind its limit as he thrust in harder and inhumanly faster, grunts and groans leaving his mouth as he continued to please himself - taking no account or care into what he was doing to me. I'd forever be tainted and haunted by this shit ass excuse of a human.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to call for help. I wanted this to stop. But no one could help me now. Not a single soul. I was left helpless at the mercy of this being that continued to use my fragile body as a sex toy, pleasing his desires to whatever extent he wished.
And I wanted it to be over!!
I wanted it to stop!!
I wanted to kill him!!

I jolted awake and screamed loudly, my eyes snapping open, frantically searching wherever I was as my body shook and hair stayed plastered to the sides of my face. I felt blind to what I could see, not recognizing anything at all until I felt a soft hand on my back, gently tracing circles over it - allowing me to calm down to a point where I could see the reality in front of me.

My eyes soon fell on ocean blue orbs filled with worry and concern as they looked back at me. I blinked a few times, finally coming to senses as I recognized Kageyama staring back at me with a concerned frown on his face, his hands gently resting on my waist.

"It's over now, I'm here okay? Take it easy." His deep, calming voice rang in my ears as I slowly managed to relax and even out my breathing and calm down.
I let out a shaky sigh before leaning forward and resting my head on Kageyama's shoulder, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

"S-sorry..." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around him.

"You don't have to apologise. I know you can't control them. Don't worry, I'm here to protect you." He whispered back into my ear as his fingers calmly ran through my hair. I took note we were at his house, glancing out the window to see the sun was at the beginning on its rose meaning it was roughly half 4/5 in the morning. I opened my mouth about to speak until I suddenly heard a knock and a soft feminine voice drift through the gaps.

"Tobio? Is everything alright in there?" Her voice sounded concerned but it was smooth and soft.

"Everything is okay mom. No need to worry." I stayed silent as Kageyama answered, his fingers still brushing through my hair. So his mother was home for once. That's nice-

"Okay... I'm in the next room if you need anything you two." Wait she knows I'm here?!
Oh yeah- duh Shoyou, Kageyama carried you here of course she knows.

"Okay mom." Tobio called back before the sound of gentle footsteps walking away followed by the sound of a closing door was heard.

I slowly sat up, only now just noticing that the both of us were in nothing but boxers. A small blush formed on my face as the realisation hit me that I'd been stripped of my clothing whilst asleep. However as I was averting my gaze away from the dark haired male, I spotted white covering my right shoulder. Taking a closer look I recognized that I had a bandage over it.

"I patched you up a little hoping to try and ease some tension on your muscles. I also bandaged your ankle and put an ointment on the bruise on your side." I looked back at Tobio after he explained. Guilt suddenly slammed into my body as I noticed the practically black bags under his eyes as he looked back at me. H-he looked awful. And it was because he was worrying about me.
I-I'd passed out which meant he cleaned the gym alone, then he carried me back here, patched me up and hardly slept himself in order to make sure I was okay. H-he was neglecting himself f-for me...

Fresh tears pricked my eyes as I continued to look back at him, my lip quivering as frustration and guilt overwhelmed me.

"I-I'm so sorry..." my hands clenched to fists as I looked down at my lap.
"I told you not to-"
"No! I'm sorry Kageyama. I'm sorry I'm weak. I'm sorry I'm a burden to you. I'm sorry I can't protect myself. I'm sorry I forced my problems onto you. I'm sorry you have to put up with a weak loser like me. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry... Y-you deserve better than me..."

I was about to stand until I felt a strong grip on both of my wrists as I was slammed onto my back, eyes widening when I saw Tobio hovering over me with tears in his eyes.

"D-don't you dare apologise. Don't apologise for something beyond your control. Don't apologise for being yourself. Don't apologise for other people's' actions. Don't think telling me anything was a mistake! B-because I love you and I've told you before - I will protect you until my last breath. I will see to it that no one, not even me, will hurt you again. Because you do not deserve the life you've been given. And I want to be the one to change that because it's me that doesn't deserve you and I want to prove that I belong by your side. So don't apologise for thinking that we were a mistake!"

His breathing was ragged and the tears were streaming down his cheeks as his voice cracked and his grip on my wrists got weaker. My breath caught in my throat at his words.

H-he meant all of them...
H-he cared....
H-he... he's everything I've ever wanted...

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