I'm here

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I run straight to Fingons tent to call him. In my hurry i almost forgot to knock begore i go in.

He was alone putting his boots on.

"Morning! Sanya said you can go see Maedhros today!" I said in one breath.

"Really?! Alone?"

"Basically no! I have to be with you.. Don't worry I'll stay outside !"

"Great! "

He grabbed me from my hand and together run back were Sanya was waiting for us.

"You turn now Alex! It's my time for break! I'll be two tents away if you want me!"she said and left...

"You first!" I said to Fingon making him room to pass before i went in.

Maedhros this time was sleepy but he seemed understand what was happening around him. When he heard us he raised his head and looked .

Fingon stared at him for a long second. And then he looked at me.(Fingon)

"I'll be outside!" I said and left. I stood outside the door waiting.

Of course a simple cloth could not stop the noice from inside, especially when i was exactly in the door, i could hear almost everything.

"Fingon?!" Maedhros murmured.

"I'm here!"

"Where were you all these days? I wanted to see you!"

"It's fine im here now with you"

"I missed you"

"Me too"

"Where i am? Who are all these people?" Maedhros asked.

"You're back in the camp ! Remember?! You're not in Thagorodrim anymore!"

"I remember.. i remember the mountains! And then.. nothing!"

"We're safe! You're with me!" Fingon tried to calm him down.

"I can't understand"

"You don't have to worry! It's just amnesia . You'll be fine in few days! "

"But... How do i know you're Fingon?"

"You didn't recognised me yet?!"

"How do i know this not but a trick from Morgoth trying to put me down!?"

"Maedhros it's me! You can see me!!"

"I saw many ghosts like you before! Don't try to trick me! Who are you?! What do you want here?!"

"Do you have lost your mind Maedhros?! There is no ghosts! I'm real! This is not a trap!"

"How do i know this is not a trap? And you're not a stupid illusion?! How do i know I'm not still in Thagorodrim?"

"Because only the real Fingon was who one day tried to climb to your window to see you ! Do you think Morgoth know this?Or do you think Morgoth have grass on his fortress?"Fingon asked. (The tents had not a floor)

I was not supposed to hear this. But i did.

"Then tell me Fingon The Valiant,First son of Fingolfin, Son of Finwe ,why you did this to me?"

"What did i do?"

"Why you did this to me?!" Maedhros reapeated.

"I was trying to save you!" I heard Fingon yell. Obviously Maedhros show him his hand.

"To save me?! Do you think in this way you saved me?! I was begging you for death! Why you didn't kill me then?! Why didn't you end my torture then?! To see me here suffer now?!"

"You're my friend! I couldn't ever kill you! I could not!"

"You could not?! You could not?! Because you could not, your friend will never be the same again! I can't be a warrior without a hand! I can't be a King without a hand! Did you think about it before doing anything?! Did you?"

"I didn't want you to die!I couldn't see you die! From my own hand !I want you to live! To be a warrior again ,a King! A friend! You can live! "

"No I don't! Look at me Fingon! Look at me!!! I'm broken! I'll never be Maedhros again! I can't be like before again ! i can't be a wprrior nor a King !I can be only his ghost! And that's your fault!"

"The lies of Morgoth have poisoned you mind! Can you understand what you saying?! How could ever my friend say these? How could you ever thing to throw away your life like that? "

"The Lies ,the lies! The lies which destroyed our families! These lies are hiding a truth! If i was a right King i wouldn't be hanging from a cliff as a prisoner! I was not worth nor i am now!"

"You're worth more than you think! You worth more to me than anyone else!! Because you lost a hand doesn't mean youre useless! Don't believe the lies of Morgoth ! The only think he wants from you is this!"

Maedhros laughed.
"You think i cant see what is true and what us not?! You think im a fool?! That i cant understand?!"

"I didn't mean that.."

"Is not only my hand i lost! Is more than this! And I can see clearly your purpose behind your ' selfless ' act!The reason you didn't kill me!"

"Do you think i did it only to gain something? Like what?!"

"No, you answer me this question! what do you want to gain by bringing me back? Fame?! Gold?!Why did you bring me back Fingon? There was no reason in it!"

"I would never leave a friend die ! That's the reason! Do you think it was easy to see you there suffer? It was easy to escape to find you?"

"And you think it is worth to live like that now?! Like .. like a slave of His thoughts?! Unable to do anything?! Do you wanna try how is it?! Do you wanna try from my side?! To suffer days hanging from a cliff praying to die but the death is not coming?!And when you have the only opportunity finally to escape, your friend destroy it? This what you call a friend?"

" Maedhros i was.. i was trying to help you! Because that's what friends do!"

"You're not my friend any more!"


"You heard me! You're not my friend anymore!Now go enjoy your fame outside! "

"But i..i..you can't break our friendship! A friendship we had so many years! You can't!"

"I Am the High King if Noldor! I do what I want! Now leave!"

"So now you recall your title as a King?!"


To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now