Blue banner

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Even the next day i was not sure what i would exactly say. I was a bit anxious you don't meet Fingolfin every day.

For a while i was staring at the wall of the tent. Sanya got in(i was in the healers tent)"two lords are waiting for you outside!"
"Now? Its not even eight in the morning! What time did they woke up?"

"Don't ask me! Now dress up and go "

"Yeah..yeah I'll one minute!"
Unfortunately in middle earth haven't discovered yet coffee. I had days to drink and this morning after waking up early my mind wanted something to burn to start working.

I put on my only white dress and pushed some pieces of  lembas on my mouth and went outside.

"Good morning Alex! My name is Idwar and he is.."said the taller man before i even look  at them.

"Yeah! Morning! I know and he is Emyr! Maglor told me yesterday your names!"

"Yes! We have to go!" Emyr said.

"We have to go so early?!"

"Yes we have! So, you are the human?"

"Maglor told you I'm a human? Great now you're not gonna take me seriously... Yes i am the human and whats the problem?"

"You're shorter than i imagined"

"Thanks for the compliment."i said with a grumpy face pretending i was smiling

"The lord send us to.."

"I know what are you doing here! Can we leave now? Before i fall asleep stood up!"

"Of course we'll" Idwar nodded.

We started walking to the gates. No one seemed have wake up yet . Even the sun had risen already outside was cold and mist covered the grass.

No need of description lines...

We  reached the gates were was the guards.
"We came here as messengers" i said and imidietly went aside to let us pass.

We hadn't to ask or search for long time, a huge blue tent was right in frond of us. It was luck obviously i couldn't search for anything in my semisleeping situation.

"I suppose they are inside(Fingolfin' s banners were blue)! How do we know they're not sleeping? We came early!"

"There's a guard in the door! Just ask!"said Idwar.

I took a breath and came closer to the guard.

"Ah.. Morning!..ah .. We're here as messengers from the Feanorians camp. We have to see.. "

"Wait a minute my lady"he stopped me and popped his head inside.

"He called me lady?m...Why you cant do this gentlemen?"i asked turning to the guys side behind me to look at them. They just looked at me back saying nothing(propably they didn't heard what i said because i mumbled )

"You can pass!" The guard said and...

I went in .

The tent was bigger that it seemed from outside. In the middle was a table and all around almost 9 men talking at each other.
"Ah.. im sorry inderupting you.."
I mumbled.

All turned and look at me(and the guys behind me)

"Im sorry my Lords we're messengers from son's of Feanor."

"Ah! Well! You can sit over there!"

Said the man pointing at the chairs behind.

I sat on the middle feeling extremely uncomfortable with the two lords sitting next to me. (Too high*them* too close*to me* )

"First of all the introduction!"

"The wha..? Aw of course our names!"i mumbled.

"My name is Idwar my lord, his Emyr amd Alex." Said Idwar before me.

"What news you bring here for my brother?"
Obviously he was Fingolfin. He had dark hair(as a Noldor ) and he wore a silver armor with a blue cape(the most of the ken in the room wore blue and silver like the guards).

"My lord .. your brother..i think don't know?"

"My brother what? Speak clearly!"

"Your brother is dead" said Idwar straight with a serious face.

"When?When did this happen?"

"Before you step on middle earth on the first battle my lord. Morgoth attached the camp and they defend it until they reached the gates of Angband." I said.

"Where is he burried now?"
"Is not burried anywhere. His body turned to ashes when his spirit left its habitant"

.. Silence..

"What the other news you bring?"

"Maedhros the High King of Noldor went back to Angband to take revenge for his father and reclaim the Silmarill as morgoth said to his deal. It was a trap. When you reached the gates his army was already slayed "

"Did Maedhros died?" Asked another elf behind Fingolfin (it was Fingon)

"No. Morgoth took him as a prisoner to Thagorodrim. He demands from his brothers to go south amd stop the war and only then he'll let him free."

"They can't ..they took an oath ! They sweared to the name of Eru to sink into the void if they dont get back the silmarills!"said Fingolfin.

"I know my lord. They want to make peace again between the two houses and ask sorry about their . Genically"

"And why they didn't cane themselves then? Why did they send a girl and two lords? "

"You know they're bad at communication! You would have started already yelling at each other about your family matters!"

"If i was my brother i would say they're cowards! But I'm not my brother! I want to reunite our houses against Morgoth!I accept theirs sorry even i cant forgot what my people suffer on the grinding ice!"

"The situation they messed is bad. We can abandon them. But we cant bring back Maedhros only with our forces! We need allies! We need protection for our army!"

"But father this needs tine! We can't abandon Maedhros there suffering!"

"And we can't just go there and demand him! Morgoth have plans against us Fingon!"

"I know! But we have to be quick!"

"Enough Fingon! We'll do the best we can! But our problems can't be solved in a minute!" Said to Fingon and then turned again to me.

"Tell your lords we want a council tomorrow there!"

"Of course they' ll come my lord!" I lied because i had no idea if they really wanted to meet him.

"The same hour tomorrow! We have much to discuss!"

To be continued...✳️

Lost in the woods:A Silmarillion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now