Chapter 10

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Elena sat on the floor, leaning against the old couch that looked out of place in the rundown cabin. Lily was curled up in her lap, her head leaning against Elena's shoulder. Elena's leg was going numb from Lily's direct weight, but she didn't have the heart to make her move right now. Lily was focused on Elena's wedding ring, spinning it around and around on Elena's finger. She would run her finger over the diamonds, examining them carefully before continuing to spin the ring again.

It had been hours and Derrick still wasn't back. Lily hadn't complained about being hungry again, but Elena knew she was. And it broke her heart, knowing she couldn't do anything for her.

Elena's cheek had gone numb, like the rest of her body wanted too. Lily had asked about her a few times, offering to play doctor and fix it. But Elena had assured her that she was fine. Elena hadn't dared to look in the mirror though, afraid of what she would see. The past coming back to the present.

"I want a ring this pretty when I get older" Lily said softly, continuing to spin Elena's ring.

Elena kissed her hair, wrapping her arms tightly around her. "Someday, you will" Elena whispered.

"Can I try your ring on?" Lily asked, looking up at her. She loved jewelry. Probably because Stefan, Damon, and Katherine always bought it for her. Elena remembered back to when she was little and how excited she was to get fake, plastic jewelry to wear. Lily was getting diamonds.

Elena smiled. "Sure" she said, making some effort to wiggle the ring lose. She placed it on Lily's small finger and watched it slide down.

Lily's eyes brightened as she looked at the ring now upside down on her finger. She smiled big as she looked up at Elena again. "I bet this costed lots" Lily told her. Elena was pretty sure that it had, taking into account how old it was. "Uncle Stefan must love you lots" she stated.

Elena hoped so, even after the stunt she had pulled. Stefan was going to be so furious with her. "I love your Uncle Stefan a lot" Elena said, pushing a few of Lily's curls off of her forehead.

"Me too" Lily told her. "And I love Daddy and Mommy and you too" she added. "And Caroline and Uncle Zach. And your friend and your brother." Then Lily made a face. "Not Alaric though cause he smells." Elena couldn't help but laugh and she paid the price, flinching slightly from her sore cheek. Lily looked up at her, raising her hand to Elena's face. "Does it still hurt?" she asked.

Elena grabbed her hand and nodded. "A little. But it will be all better tomorrow" she told her.

Lily studied Elena's cheek for a moment. "Uncle Stefan's not gonna be happy that the mean man hit you" she said.

Elena didn't want to think about that. She couldn't stand the thought of having to look at Stefan when he found out. "No, he's not" Elena agreed. Elena took her ring back and stuffed it in her pocket. It probably wasn't a good idea to be wearing it around Derrick.

The door handle wiggled minutes later and Derrick walked in, tossing a paper bag onto the table. Lily buried her face in Elena's shirt to hide. Elena refused to look at him. "She eat chicken nuggets?" Derrick asked, staring at both of them huddled together on the floor.

Elena didn't want to answer him. She didn't want to acknowledge his existence. But ... Lily. "Yes" Elena answered, continuing to look away from him.

Derrick grabbed the bag and walked it over to them, handing it to Elena. "Here" he said.

Elena took the bag reluctantly and opened it. Inside was a container with chicken nuggets and fries. Elena opened it and pulled out a nugget for Lily. "Here" she whispered.

Lily took it eagerly and munched away on it. Elena sighed, thankful that Lily was now eating. "Want some?" she asked Elena quietly, holding half of the piece of chicken out for Elena.

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