Chapter 17

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After an hour sitting with her, Stefan had stretched out in two chairs near her bed, facing her. He wanted her to be able to see him if she woke up. He drifted in and out of sleep and got up periodically to make sure Elena was still breathing. The monitors attached to her told him as much, but he still wanted to make sure.

After giving up on sleep for the last time that evening, he sat up in his chair and took out Elena's wedding ring from is pocket. He rolled it around in his hand for a moment before looking at it. He began to wonder if he should have bought her a brand new ring, one that was all her own, rather than giving her an old, family heirloom.

He never imagined that he would give it to a woman. He always figured he would hold onto it and then pass it down to Lily when she was old enough. It meant a lot to him. No one was supposed to be so deserving as to receive it in his life but Lily. Not even Katherine, who he had planned to marry.

And then Elena had come along and messed up his plan.

His plan to be single the rest of his life, with no kids, spending his money carelessly and having fun while he did it. Going from girl to girl before any of them got too attached. Not having to be home by a certain time or worry about anyone but himself.

Yet here he was, married and thinking about children, spending his money a little more wisely now. Having one girl that he loved more than anything and calling her to let her know where he was and when he would be home. Being absolutely terrified about her safety and full of worry as he looked at her right then.

He blamed Katherine for so long for taking his future away from him and replacing it with something else. But everything Katherine wasn't made Stefan appreciate Elena that much more. Where Katherine wouldn't hold his hand in public, Elena had always been eager to, loving the closeness that it brought as they walked side by side. Katherine had simply wanted sex and Elena was perfectly happy spending all afternoon in bed with him, slowly kissing and touching or even just talking. Elena loved talking.

He cherished his moments with Elena because they were real. She made him a better person, or at least, brought out his better qualities. He could tell you exactly why he had married her. If you had all day to sit around and listen.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. He was tired, but he couldn't sleep. "Stef" a groggy voice said. His eyes opened instantly and found Elena's sleepy ones trying hard to look at him.

He scooted his chair to her bed and grabbed her hand. "I'm here" he told her quietly, extremely relieved to see her awake. "How are you feeling? Are you in pain?" he asked.

Elena nodded. "Everything hurts" she whispered.

Stefan hit the nurse's call button repeatedly until a nurse came running in. "She's in pain" Stefan said. The nurse nodded, scurried out of the room, and then ran back in with another dose of pain medication.

"This should help" the nurse said, checking Elena's monitors and IV bag while she was in there. "Is there anything I can get you?" she asked. "Something to eat? Something besides water to drink?" she asked kindly. Elena shook her head. "Okay. Don't hesitate to call. I'll be back in an hour" she explained before letting herself out of the room.

Stefan stared at Elena and his heart sank a little when she avoided his eyes. "You're sure you don't want anything?" he asked. He stood up and poured her a cup of water. He handed it to her. "You should drink" he told her.

Elena held the cup of water in her shaky hands and Stefan finally grabbed onto it to help her get it to her lips. One small sip and she was already choking on it, pushing the cup away from her lips. She didn't want the water. Her body was struggling to take it in, no doubt due to the days she went without any water.

Until Never Means Forever जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें