Chapter 1

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A/N: Here it is! The sequel to Until This Lie Do Us Part.

He stared at her through the back sliding glass door, watching her hair blow softly in the wind as she swung slowly back and forth. It was probably one of the most beautiful things he could watch in late September with the soft glow of Fall as her backdrop. She had her long legs crossed at her ankles as she stared intently at the newest book she was reading. She had been reading a lot lately.

Slowly, he slid the door open and made his way out to her, the leaves crunching under his feet.

Elena only acknowledged him when he stood in her sunlight. He was staring down at her. "You're in my sun" she said, setting her book down on her stomach as she peered up at him, a knowing smile on her face.

"That so" he said, remaining where he was.

Elena smiled, picking her book back up. "I was trying to read" she said, returning her eyes to the page she was on.

Stefan grabbed the book from her suddenly, tossing it on the grass as he bent down, climbing carefully onto the hammock with her. "Let's try something else for a little while" he said suggestively, pinning her down with his body as he gently kissed her.

Elena didn't put up much of a fight. She never did. Not anymore. Not with him. There was no reason to. "My book was just getting really interesting" she said, moving her head to the side so she could get her words out. He kissed her every chance he got lately. She wasn't complaining though. She never would.

Stefan simply moved to kissing her neck, refusing to let his lips leave her, even if she did turn away from him. His kisses were her weakness and he knew it. "If you want to go back to reading, all you have to do is say so" he said, trailing his tongue back up to her ear and then nibbling on the bottom of it.

She squirmed beneath him, trying to get her arms free so she could run her hands through his hair. When her arms were finally free, she allowed herself to get lost in the moment with him for a little while. She loved these moments where nothing else mattered. She cherished them. He was pulling at her shirt eventually, doing a poor job of undoing the buttons. Elena took this chance to glance at the pink and silver Tiffany's watch that Stefan had bought for her as a wedding gift. She loved it, though she knew that he had paid entirely way too much for it. "Lily is going to be here shortly" she said.

Stefan stopped kissing her and stared down at her. He sighed, leaving her shirt alone. "Is it four already?" he asked. Elena held up her shiny, overly expensive watch for him to see. "Damn, where does the time go?" he asked.

"You work so much of it away so you can afford these expensive gifts for me" she stated, sitting up. Stefan scooted off of her, but remained close beside her.

She always complained when he bought her things. "I like buying you nice things" he told her. "You deserve them" he added, grabbing a strand of her hair and letting it run through his fingers. She deserved every single thing that she wanted. There was no price on happiness, and she had made his so incredibly happy that he knew he could never repay her. Not with materialistic things and not with his love. It was impossible.

"I miss this. Us" she said, grabbing his hand softly as she looked up at him. They had been married for about a month now and it seemed like their lives had gotten so busy that they rarely had a moment to be alone with each other unless they were in bed. But usually then, they were so tired that they fell right to sleep. Stefan was busy with work and Elena was still looking for the perfect job. When she wasn't doing that, she was volunteering and spending time with Lily.

"I miss us too" he said, leaning forward to kiss her softly. "Let's take off for the weekend" he said, a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Elena's eyes lit up too. She could think of so many places that she would love to go. Maybe he would take her to New York or Florida for those two days. "Where?" she asked, barely being able to contain her excitement. The thought of being alone – completely alone – with Stefan was something she had wanted badly.

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