Chapter 4

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Have you ever heard of "The power of null"? The power of zero?" Making the three of them shook their heads with a "no" answer.

"I thought so, according to numerology, the power of zero or most commonly, the number 0 is the only number that represents all that is, including all potential. In a numerology chart, the interpretation usually relates to infinite possibilities, all or nothing, anything, or other barrier-free ideas. Zero is both closed and wide open. It means comprehensiveness, openness, wholeness, and infinity." Mahiko explained, making Lotte's eyes turned to stars, Sucy with an impressed look while Akko just scratch her head, obviously confuse by long answer of the wizard.

"In other words, with the power of null, I can change my staff into anything I can imagine like: a shield, sword, spear and a broom." Mahiko displayed its morphing magic in order making Akko and Lotte watched the staff change in awe.

"In contrast in turning it into everything, I can also harness it's power to negate different forms of magical attacks." Mahiko ended his explanation.

"That is so cool! You can actually be as strong as Shiny Chariot?!" Akko asked the wizard with glee making the wizard just chuckle at her childish claims.

"Maybe Lady Kagari. Who knows?" Mahiko said making the girl jump in glee.

"Maybe if I can harness this number 0, I can be a step closer in becoming a great witch, just as great as Shiny Chariot!"

"I would doubt that part Lady Kagari, as well as it would be nigh impossible to attain, especially with your enthusiastic behavior."

"How so? You have already have a staff that is made out of it." Sucy said, stopping her work in cleaning the tub.

"It took me a year straight to harness and make this staff out of the power of null, even if I manage to obtain just a very small fraction of that said magical power. It requires your full concentration, dedication and focus on harnessing it. And that is not all, that one year straight, was me meditating, not moving, not eating, not drinking, nor even sleeping. Making this staff out that said power took a great toll on me. After I have obtained it in my grasps, I have to go through several therapies in order to regain what I have lost in that one year of meditation." Mahiko explained his situation of attaining this staff. This got the three girls to shudder for what happened to Mahiko and what he has to go through in order to grabbed that said power.

"Were you hurt?" Sucy unexpectedly ask with her tone was that of concern.

"It's a pain in the ass Lady Manbavaran. A pain like nothing I have ever felt in my entire life." Mahiko

"Well, are you OK now?" Lotte asked with her voice same as Sucy's.

"Of course Lady Jansson. I am still moving just fine after the therapies many years ago." Mahiko said as he moves his wrists a little.

"It is a good thing that you said that it is almost impossible to attain such magic. I don't think I can wait that long just to get that staff." Akko shivered at the thought of herself going through the same thing as Mahiko.

"You can't wait on anything Akko." Sucy replied making the brunette annoyed by her remark.

"What do you mean I can't wait for anything?! I know how to wait you know?" Akko shouted back at the girl.

Tall, Dark, and that's about it (Little Witch Academia) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now