Chapter 7

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Night Time/ Red Team's Room

"For the next week, we will share mealtimes and nighttimes as I drill the expectations of a witch into you. First, as per the rules, we will retire at exactly 9 o'clock! Then we wake at four! Keep in mind that a filthy room houses a filthy soul. Always keep it clean." Professor Finnelan orders the students as she is standing in the middle of the room. Sucy sweeping of the dusts and the cobwebs on the ceiling and Lotte placing down books and a lantern on the study table.

"Why did I get roped in?" Professor Ursula asked.

"Because you answered back at the staff members and covering Akko's trails with me. I guess that is the reason for you and me to get roped in." Mahiko said as he brings a pail of water as his black staff morphs into a mop and starts moping at the floor, while ignoring Professor Ursula's light glare at him.

"Professor Ursula, I didn't know that's how you thought about me. You really sounded like a teacher. Thank You!" Akko said to the blunette professor while giving her a smile, catching the professor by surprise.

"Excuse me Miss Kagari, but I am a teacher." Professor Ursula acted professionally for a second to Akko until Professor Finnelan's voice broke it.

"You two! Move your hands, not your mouths!" The strict professor order the two of them to get back to work.

"Hai/OK." Both girls said at the same time then looked at each other before giggling at their antics.


Third Person POV

“I didn’t know that we have Defense Magic as a compulsory course.” Akko said as she sat on a bleacher next to Lotte, who is sitting next to Sucy on the third row of the bleachers. Amanda, Constanze and Jasminka are just a row in front of them while Diana, Hannah and Barbara are just on the same row as Akko’s team. Mahiko, who is still wearing his facial disguise, on the other hand, is at the very back of the bleacher, much to his dismay. Everyone is outside of the school building, wearing the indoor witch uniform while Professor Nelson, Professor Finnelan, Professor Ursula and Headmistress Holbrooke are standing in front of the students who are adjusting themselves on the bleachers.

“Me neither Akko, they must have established the course just recently by the school’s staff members.” Lotte replied back to Akko as they watched some students sitting on the bleachers. Once everyone sat down, Headmistress Holbrooke took their attention towards her.

“Greetings everyone!” Headmistress Holbrooke greeted them first before she started explaining the situation.

“As some of you may be wondering why you are all here, the staff of Luna Nova has decided to establish a new obligatory course subject for every student in Luna Nova.” She explained, with all of the students listening to her explanation, with some of them quietly groaning.

“This is an obligatory course subject for a reason, seeing as witches and wizards may face dangerous beings like cockatrice, dark orcs, dragons, mandrake, and definitely dark wizards and witches.” Professor Finnelan said, making some of the students shiver when they heard those creatures, especially dark wizards.

“In this new course, it will be a combination of physical education like broom flying with basic white magic albeit advanced and focusing on protecting yourself and disarming the opponent. It is a way to compensate for some of you who have little to no experience of magic outside of the school.” Professor Nelson continued, making the students lean in for more information.

“Before, there were a few students who excel in such magics that they are specially tutored by the professors themselves as an extracurricular activity. Now, everyone is getting an opportunity to train themselves to become stronger and learn how to defend themselves. The schedule for this subject may vary depending on the student’s capabilities, ranging 2 to 3 hours, twice a week.” Professor Nelson continues on what they will expect from the Magic Duel subject.

Tall, Dark, and that's about it (Little Witch Academia) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now