Chapter 1

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"Why enroll here? Out of all the magical schools that exists in the realm of magic, why an academy full of witches? You know there are schools for wizards as well, yet you are enrolled here in an all-girl school. So why?" Professor Finnelan questioned the teen about his decision about going here in this academy.

The teen contemplated at first, trying to find an answer at first, which leaves him quiet at first and lightly looks down at the floor. The other professors were waiting an answer from him. After a few seconds of silence, and he looked at them and answered.

"There are reasons for enrolling in this academy my professor. Though most of those reasons are for myself and for myself alone. For that reason is since I am new here, I am not yet comfortable for telling such reasoning to any of you just yet." He said truthfully infront of everyone on the room, which they send him some suspecting looks onto him, especially from Professor Finnelan, but Headmistress Holbrooke and Professor Ursula agreed to his reasoning. Before they could questioned him further. He raised his hand to stop them from talking.

"But there are some reasons that I can share to you all. One reason is that I would like to feel what it's like to be taught by someone other than my master whom homeschooled me throughout most of my life as I have never been schooled before. And with the first reason, that also includes being able to communicate physically with someone close to my age and have the feeling to actually have a colleague or a classmate. And lastly would be that, one of your former student insisted or maybe "forced" me into enrolling this academy, since they highly praise this school, so I thought why not." He explained his minor reasons to them.

Even though he said those minor reasons to them. They still gave him such a suspicious look, a look which makes them question whether his reasoning are indeed valid or not. For Professor Finnelan's view, he seems to be untruthful to them, just today, but she feels that there's more to reveal about his reason. Before they could question him again about it, Headmistress send off a little giggle from her lips and sent the new student a gentle smile.

"Very well then. I know that them interrogating you further would most likely make you feel uncomfortable, but rest assured, you will know what it is like to be a student in this academy. And I am sure that our former student, whoever she is, made a good choice on having you to recommend this school young lad." Headmistress Holbrooke assured the young student about enrolling into this institution. As well as Professor Ursula who was standing besides her with a small smile on her face.

"Thank you for understanding my reasons Headmistress Holbrooke. For my part being a student, rest assured that I will behave the best I could, to lessen the problem that you are currently dealing with righr now Headmistess." He said as he stopped leaning onto his staff and stood straight infront of them all, giving all of the professor a small bow.

"My pleasure Mr? I'm sorry, I didn't get you're name." Headmistress Holbrooke asked about her new student's name while giving a small chuckle.

"Mahiko. Mahiko Reinkarnasyon."


Third Person POV

Morning dawned towards the academy, too early for any student (except a few students) as the first beam of the sunlight peaks over the horizon and shining its rays on the Luna Nova Tower holding the sorcerer's stone in which still glimmers in bright, emerald-green glow.

But before that happens, before the sun shares its sun light on Luna Nova Academy. A certain purpled haired student is still heavily sleeping in a bed that didn't come with his size. His feet is slightly dangling on the edge of the bed and not covered by a blanket that lacks in length but still held comfort over his sleeping body.

Tall, Dark, and that's about it (Little Witch Academia) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now