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The days went on like usual after me and Tsukki's almost-kiss. I'm finding he's very good at ignoring things head on—it's kinda rubbing off on me too.

The first two days back Tsukki was occupied with makeup work so he rarely payed attention to me. But late last night he finished up so I'm looking forward to spending more time with him.

Yesterday I noticed my moms car missing.

She would always do this. Coming home for a few days, then disappearing randomly. I had my suspicions, but I didn't wanna assume anything. The night I skipped school with Tsukki—she was the one who continuously called, unsurprisingly.

She ended up sending a text. Something about "mistreating your mother by ignoring her." I could care less.

But that's a lie obviously.

I was a little more nervous than usual today. It could have something to do with the lingering thought of trying marijuana. Tsukishima managed to snag some extra for me and honestly, I was hoping he'd forgotten I agreed to the whole weed thing.

Our friendship was flourishing at the moment and I felt like a joint would ruin the momentum. Or perhaps I was afraid of high Tsukki—He's really impulsive under the influence of cannabis, and the fact he's been so affectionate toward me lately, without smoking, is telling.

"You doin' okay Yamaguchi?" Sugawara asked, giving me a concerned look. I jumped up and peered in his direction.

"O-of course I am!" I hollered, nervously waving my arms around. We were in the gym, taking a small water break.

Suga gave me an unconvincing look and I recoiled, chuckling anxiously.

"I don't believe you!" He argued, pressing his finger against my forehead for some reason. Suga's a bit shorter than me so it was easy to escape his weird persuasion tactics.

"I told you I'm okay, Suga!" I pleaded, now trying to dodge his arms reaching for me.

"And I told you I don't believe you!" Suga yelled back. He bolted for me and I started sprinting down the court yelling for Tsukki's help.

"Face me like a man Yamaguchi!" Suga shouted as we inched closer to Tsukki, standing there with a bored expression and a volleyball in his hands. I ran up to him with my arms out but before we could embrace, he dodged me nonchalantly. I fell face first onto the floor.

I half-expected Suga to plunge on top of me, but someone seemed to have stopped him mid run. I winced at the pain and glanced behind me.

Daichi had him by the shoulder, giving everyone a death stare. "What's going on." He demanded and both me and Suga flinched at the tone in his voice.

I looked up at Tsukki who was staring at me before quickly averting his eyes.

Suga pushed past Daichi and lent me a hand. "I was just trying to help out Yamaguchi." He pulled me up and gazed back at Daichi. "He seemed really nervous today."

Daichi narrowed his eyes at us. "So why were you guys yelling down the court—"

"It just got out of hand, we're sorry." Suga cut him off and waved his hands up and down. I instantly bowed my head.

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