"What?" Elena asked, turning to look at him.

"Nothing" he said, shaking his head. "Ready?" he asked, moving to unzip the tent. He crawled out of it, stretching before offering his hand and helping her out.

"I think it is going to be gorgeous out today" Elena said, continuing to hold his hand as they walked down the path toward the bathrooms. There were various tents and campers along the way. Most people were already up and making breakfast.

"I hope so" he said, walking leisurely with her. They made it to the bathrooms a few minutes later. Elena let go of his hand to walk in, but he caught her in his arms. "Wait for me" he said, dragging her back to him.

Elena laughed. "These aren't coed bathrooms, Stefan. You have to shower by yourself" she told him.

Stefan's face fell as he glanced up at the two doors opposite each other and saw that they were in fact labeled men and women. He frowned. "The only reason I got out of the tent was because I thought we were going to shower together" he whined.

Elena turned around in his arms and grinned. "We can shower together tonight when we get home. For now, we shower separately." She handed him some soap and shampoo from her bucket and kissed his lips quickly. "See you in fifteen" she told him before disappearing into the bathroom.

Stefan grumbled as he stalked into the men's room.


Stefan was waiting for her when she got out of the bathroom, her hair braided down along her back and her makeup minimal, but flawless. She smiled, accepting his warm embrace. "Miss me that much?" she asked, feeling him hold her tight.

"Mmm hmmm" he said, letting his hands trail down her back. "I love these shorts" he said, running his hands further down along her backside.

Elena gasped, backing away from him suddenly. "There are people around us" she warned. Stefan laughed, shaking his head as he held his hand out to her, ready to go. Elena hesitated. "I'll behave. Promise" he said.

Elena reluctantly gave him her hand. "You are impossible, you know that?" she said, walking alongside him.

"You're the one who married me" he sang, kicking a pinecone out of his way as he walked.

"You didn't really give me a choice" she smiled. "I have a feeling that you wouldn't have given up until I agreed" she continued. "Even a restraining order wouldn't have deterred you."

Stefan tugged on her hand and she collided into his side where he was able to wrap his arms around her. "Not even a restraining order" he grinned, pressing a light kiss to her temple. "You and your feistiness" he laughed, shaking his head, remembering when she had slammed him up against the wall when he had made a bold pass at her. Now, he liked when she pushed him into walls. It usually was a precursor for something he was going to really like.

They dropped their things off back at the tent before they set out on their hike. "So, I was thinking..." Elena began as they walked along the dirt path.

"Uh oh" Stefan said, earning him a disproving look.

"Maybe I should have my own horse" she said. "You and Lily both have horses. And if I want to do more riding with both of you, I should have a horse too."

Stefan thought about her proposal. "Yeah, I suppose you should" he said. "I'll call up a buddy of mine. He probably has a suitable one for you."

"No, I'd like to pick my own horse out" she told him, tightening her grip on his hand as they began climbing up a steep hill.

"You do" he said, raising an eyebrow at her. "Well, I don't want you getting some wild horse that will hurt you" he informed her.

"I understand that" she told him. "But, I would like to have options, rather than just one picked out for me" she explained. "I want to make sure that the horse and I get along. I want a new best friend" she shrugged.

Until Never Means Forever Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon