"I think Elena knows what I probably shouldn't mean" Stefan said, letting go of Lily when he was sure that she wouldn't keep talking. He needed to change the subject. "You tell that monster that next time, I will come in there and drag him out from under the bed and throw him out the window" Stefan told her.

"Okay" Lily agreed.

"Okay" Stefan repeated, pulling the blanket up to Lily's chin. "Go back to sleep" he told her, kissing the side of her head.

Elena did the same and Lily snuggled into her even more, resting her head against her shoulder. Elena continued to glare at Stefan. She was not scary in the mornings without her coffee. Unless Stefan was being particularly obnoxious that morning. Then maybe, yeah. "Goodnight" Elena whispered to Lily.

"Night" Lily whispered back. "I hope there's coffee in the morning" she giggled. Right then, Stefan knew that Lily knew exactly what she was doing. Stirring up trouble by being cute. He couldn't help it. He laughed too. Elena kicked him again, though she was smiling too.


Elena woke up to an empty bed. Stefan and Lily were nowhere to be found. She got up, yawned and stretched and then headed downstairs in search of them. The sight before her made her break into the biggest smile.

Stefan was standing with Lily, who was standing on a chair, at the stove, flipping pancakes. Lily was wearing an apron that was too big for her. Her braided pigtails were also lopsided – clearly Stefan's doing. "This one" Stefan told her, pointing as Lily used the spatula and flipped it over. "This one is done" he would say, holding out a plate for her.

"Something smells good" Elena said, making her presence known.

"I'm making pancakes" Lily announced, glancing back at her and smiling. "Uncle Stefan is just watching" she added, making it known that she was doing this all by herself.

"Can I help?" Elena asked.

"No" Lily replied. "You can go sit down and have juice" she directed, placing another pancake on the plate.

Stefan laughed as Elena sulked over to the table, having been ordered around by a 7-year old who was also quite aware that Elena could not cook. "Done?" Stefan asked, switching off the stove and grabbing Lily, hanging her sideways as he grabbed the plate of pancakes and walked over to where Elena was sitting. Lily giggled until Stefan set her down.

"This all looks amazing" Elena told them both.

"I know" Lily replied. "Uncle Stefan teaches me how to cook" she said. "He can teach you too" she added, scrunching up her face at the horrible memory of the spaghetti that Elena had made for lunch not too long ago.

Elena pretended to be mock offended by that. "What's wrong with my cooking?" she asked Lily.

Lily grinned. "You just need lots of help so Uncle Stefan and I don't have to hide food in our napkins and throw it away later when you're not looking" she stated honestly.

Elena's eyes darted to Stefan's who looked as guilty as could be. "Remember what I said about that being our little secret?" Stefan asked Lily, glaring at her.

Lily shrugged. "You're not supposed to keep secrets from people that you love" Lily stated.

"Who told you that?" Stefan asked curiously.

Lily pointed at Elena and smiled. Elena's scowl began to soften at that. Elena had told Lily that a while back. "Its okay, Aunt Elena. You are really good at toasting Pop-Tarts" Lily said, trying to make her feel better. "Uncle Stefan won't even let me eat them for breakfast" she added, scowling at him now too. She loved them.

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