"Don't think so bubba." Louis shook his head, trying to guide the boy back outside but Harry wasn't having it. "Right there LouLou!" Harry huffed, "M'wan it!" 

"It's only when you use the big boy potty, you know that Harry." Louis sighed. "And I think I just changed your tush so I don't think a gold star is in order." Louis tried once again to pull the boy along, but Harry's face just crumpled as he slid himself down on the floor, having a full-blown tantrum. Louis tried to pick him up, but the boy wasn't helping the situation by flailing his body, trying to make himself as heavy as possible. 

"Right." Louis huffed. "You can just lay right there and have your tantrum but I'm sending Liam or Niall back here to deal with you. Not sure if time-out will be enough for you." With that, Louis turned around, walking away from the hysterical boy. 

"I'm not dealing with him." Louis grabbed himself a cold beer as he joined the rest outside. "It's up to either one of you." He pointed between Niall and Liam, letting himself relax on the lawn chair. "Don't know what crawled up his ass but I've had enough of it." 

"Not it!" Niall blurted, making Liam huff. "Tough luck, Payno." Louis shrugged. "Just give him five minutes. You'll find him in the kitchen." He smirked, putting his feet up on the table.
It wasn't hard for Liam to find the boy, he just had to follow the sound of the wailing, and just like Louis had said, the boy was in the kitchen. 

"What do you think you are doing?!" Harry turned around, startled by Liam's loud voice, quickly hiding the sticker sheets behind his back but he knew Liam had already seen them. "Got twenty." Harry stated sheepishly, directing his eyes towards the sticker chart where Harry had messily added bunch of stickers throughout the month. "Can buy a scooter." 

"I don't think so. Last time I remembered you only had ten this month." Liam stated. "Care to show me what you've got behind your back?" 

"Nah'uh." Harry shook his head before he started crying for the umpteenth time that day. "No, stop those tears. You know what's coming." 

"Noooo. M'sorry! M'sorry!" 

"Not working now bub. Let's start with time-out and see where we go from there." Liam placed Harry on a chair in the living room where he could still see the boy from where he was sat outside. "Seventeen minutes okay? I'll come get you." 

"Nooo." Harry cried, his hands trying to grab Liam as he walked away. "M'sorry! I'll be good!" 

"Too late." Liam sighed, leaving the boy to cry as he went back outside. "Caught him adding stickers on his chart." Liam snorted, "Really wanting that scooter." It was Harry's second attempt to get twenty golden stars in one month as he had been promised an electrical scooter if he managed. It was really just to try and help with the potty training which wasn't going so great, and everyone was slowly coming to terms with the fact that maybe the boy isn't quite ready yet. 

"He in time out?" Louis asked, earning a nod from Liam. "Think I'll leave it at that. He's been miserable all day and I don't want to add to the stress." 

"Sounds fair." Louis nodded. "Been a tough few days since his mum had to go back home." He sighed, and everyone seemed to nod along. He kept an eye on the boy who kicking his dangling feet, not so quietly crying and Louis had to stop himself from scooping the boy into a cuddle. 

"Ah, times up." Liam smiled, getting up to tend to the crying boy who was overjoyed when Liam came to get him. "M'sorry Li-Li. Won't be naughty." Harry apologised sheepishly, "Wanna say sorry to LouLou." 

"Good boy." Liam pressed a kiss on Harry's temple. "Think he'll appreciate that." 

"Well, look who's here!" Louis cooed once Liam had placed the boy onto his lap. "Were you in time-out, huh?" 

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