Don't be a brat

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Sorry it's like two/three prompts in one, not very good writing since I started this a long long time ago and just finished it so apologies in advance xx 

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Louis 21
Liam 20
Zayn 20
Niall 16
Harry 15

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"Uh oh." Niall gasped, just as the wailing started. "Loulou! Liam!" The boy shouted frantically, "Zaynie! Someone! Don't cry Haz, they're comin!" Niall sat down on the floor, lightly patting Harry's head because he thought it would help, which it didn't really, but Niall wasn't strong enough to pick the boy up. 

"I swear to god." Louis muttered as he heaved himself off the sofa, "They never learn, do they?!" 

"I handled it last time." Liam shrugged, making no attempt to move from his spot. "Whatever." Louis mumbled, hurrying his ass to the bunk area of the bus so he could tend to the crying boy. 

"What did I say last time boys?" Louis sighed, gently picking Harry off the floor as the boy's arms had instantly shot up in the air once he spotted the man, his sobs getting more intense. "We told you that climbing between the bunks is a no-no, huh, especially when the bus is moving." Really, they should've been paying more attention to them, but the younger ones should also know to listen. 

"Hurted." The curly boy wailed, holding the back of his head where it had banged the floor. "Did you hurt yourself, huh?" Louis cooed, gently kissing the boy's temple. "C'mon Ni." He supported Harry with one arm and held the other out for Niall to take so he could lead him to the other boys. 

"What happened?" Zayn asked, allowing Niall to climb into his lap as Louis helped him a bit. 

"Think he fell from the bunk, banging his head, huh baby?" Louis gently bounced the boy in his arms, pacing a bit as he did in hopes of getting the boy calm the slightest. Once the boy had placed his head on Louis' shoulder, only miserably whining, Louis could finally sit down and take a proper look at the boy. "Oh, got a little bump." Louis noticed as he examined the spot where Harry had been keeping his hand, "But only a tiny one. Nothing a kiss can't fix." He placed a lingering kiss on the spot. "Better?" 

"M'huh." Harry sniffled, "better." Leaning into Louis' embrace, the man gently patting his bottom and the boy was instantly much calmer. It hadn't really hurt that much, he only fell from the lower bunk and not the top one, and his head only lightly banged on the floor causing the smallest of bumps. It was probably the shock that scared him the most, but he was content now. 

"So, what were you doing?" 

"We were only playin'!" Niall quickly spoke. "Weren't climbing on the bunks 'cause you said we couldn't." He pouted, and Louis sent him a pointed look. "I promise! We were playing, and Harry just rolled off the bunk and onto the floor!" Louis sighed, giving them the benefit of the doubt because it really sounded like something Harry would do. 

"Yeah." Harry finally mumbled. "My teddy fell down 'n I was only trying to get it." He whined, tears almost spilling again as he relived the moment. 

"Oh, I'm sorry baby." Louis cooed. "Why didn't you ask Niall to hand it to you? He was right there." He scolded slightly, only because he didn't want the boy hurting himself, Anne would have his head. He was the oldest, supposed to be the most responsible one. 

"I dunno." Harry mumbled sadly, burying his face back into Louis' chest. Louis just smiled as he gently rubbed circles on the boy's back, sighing in relief once the bus seemed to stop. It could get quite tiring being on that thing, though it was spacious and nice, it didn't compare to the nice hotels. 

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