BBQ disaster

5K 56 15

It's quite shit. I've had the hardest time writing. 

Louis 22
Liam 20
Niall 20
Harry 17

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"Missing mummy." Louis sighed, carrying a sniffly Harry on his hip as he re-joined the others outside in the nice weather. "Not even possible to get him to nap." He huffed, sitting himself on a chair with the boy attached onto his front. 

"Want me to give it a go?" Liam asked, holding his arms out, offering to take the boy but Louis waved him off. "Nah, it's alright mate. He slept in anyways. Thanks though." Louis thanked him, turning his attention back to the sniffly boy. "You feelin' better bubs?" He cooed. "Maybe wanna get some food?" 

"Wan' Mumma Lou." The boy pouted, feeling quite miserable. "I think we can sort that." Louis smiled, standing up to find the woman who was mid conversation with Niall. "Missing his mummy poor lad." Louis explained. "Wants some mummy contact I guess." He laughed, patting Harry's diapered covered bum. "Oh bubba, that's quite alright. I've got loads of cuddles to give." 

"Oof." Lou huffed once the boy was set into her lap. "Getting quite heavy for me darling." She teased but Harry just whined, stuffing his face in her neck to find her comforting scent. It wasn't uncommon for the boy to cry for his mum, so this was nothing new to them. "I'll get you a hot-dog, or would you prefer a burger huh?" 

"M'wan' nothin'." Harry mumbled, not even attempting to lift his face up from the comfort of the woman's neck. "It's fine, maybe later huh bubba?" Lou cooed, combing her fingers through Harry's unruly hair. Harry just nodded, feeling quite content where he was and wasn't about to move anytime soon. 

"What's this grunting about then?" Lou put her plate down so se could lift the boy's head up and look at his face. "Nooo." Harry whined, trying his best not to look at the woman. "Are you pooing on me Harry?!" Lou sounded alarmed, "I'm eating Harry. That's not very nice." The woman quickly beckoned Louis over who carted the boy away. 

"Nooo! M'wan Mumma-a L-Lou!" Harry wailed, kicking and hitting Louis who was getting quite frustrated. "Hey, stop that right now! You don't hit people!" Louis placed the boy on the ground, and Harry just kept wailing loudly stating he wanted Louise. 

"She's eating and mingling with the people Harry. Stop those tears now, I'm not very happy with you." 

Harry just huffed but sat himself down on the ground and waited for Louis to gather his changing supplies, trying his best to reduce his tears. "There we go." Louis sighed. "Giving me a massive headache, you are." 

"Nooo, am not!" Harry started flailing his feet, almost hitting Louis in the face who was not impressed with the boy. He harshly grabbed a hold of his feet, giving him a warning tap on his thigh which seemed to shut him up. "Don't know what's gotten into you." Louis muttered but started changing the boy who just opted to cry but at least he wasn't kicking or screaming. Louis helped him sit up, attacking his face with a wet wipe which the boy didn't enjoy at all, putting up quite a fuss until Louis had cleaned his face. 

"Think you can behave out there now?" Louis gave the boy a stern look, "You're seventeen. Far too old for all these tantrums." He stated, which was ironic as the boy literally just pooed himself. 

"Wasn't havin' a tantrum!." Harry was offended that Louis would even say such a thing. Only babies have tantrums and just like Louis said, he was seventeen! "Sure." Louis muttered, helping the boy up on his feet, taking his hand to guide him back outside. 

"Wait!" Harry gasped, dragging Louis in the opposite direction towards the kitchen, stopping in front of the fridge. "Need a star!" He pointed to an empty spot on his chart that hung on the fridge, having earned three stars this week, ten total this month and it was already nearing the end. 

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