57 - First Time Being At Show

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MC1: Are we going to see him?

Zico's Room

Harris is already in there. At the same time. There's a man who is sleeping with a blanket on top of him and covering his face (a bit). Then, Harris looked at his surroundings before jumping to the bed. Next, he sat at his daddy's body until makes Zico whined

Zico: Arghh... uhmmm..

Harris grabbed a blanket that covered his appa's face and then kissed him a few times until Zico woke up from his sleep.

Zico: Uhmmm... uhmmm... hahahaha.. tho?

Sambil membalas balik ciuman anaknya itu.

MC2: Argh, wae?! We didn't see his appa face. Mitchigaeso.

Then both of them went out of the room. Harris is the first one to come out and then followed by his appa. Finally, Zico's face was revealed. It's surprised the MC

MC1: Omo, omo, omo. It's Zico.

MC2: Ya!! It's Zico. Wa... this is interesting.

MC1: Daebak. Wa...

Then Zico went to Altia. He give her a back hug and said

Zico: Morning

Altia: Uh? Uhmm..

They are a loved dovey. He kissed Altia's cheek and then moved to her belly.

MC1: Omo, such a sweet husband.


Family Introduction

Zico: Annyeonghasaeyeo, I am Altia's husband and father to 4 years old kids Milan, Woo Jiho, Zico immida.

He being asked a few questions

Zico: We've been married for 6 years now and ...

He cannot continue his words because he feels shy and doesn't know what to do. Then, it's time for them to be interviewed. Harris is on Zico's lap while Altia sat next to Zico. Altia greet the staff first

Altia: Uhm... annyeonghaseyo. Chonen, Zico's wife and Harris eomma, Altia immida.

Zico: We have Milan (Milan and Harris are the same person. Only Altia who likes to call him by Harris) after 3 years of being married.

Now, the interview is only with Zico. He was asked what is the most terrified things that happened as he become a father

Zico: Humm.. actually I'm worried about a lot of things. Especially with this second pregnancy.

Staff: Wayo?

Zico: Actually Milan has his twin but during their labour, his twin cannot be saved. He only lived for 6 hours then he passed away. At that time, my wife really struggled to give birth until she was unconscious right away after the babies were born. After 2 days, my wife awakens and what makes her feel so bad and sad, she can't see the baby. My heart hurt so much that time. Milan is the oldest while his brother we named him as Had Harris. Milan was born 30 minutes early from his brother. So, that's why I'm worried so much.

End of interview


Altia called Zico and Harris to have breakfast together.

Altia: Boys let's eat.

Then Zico got Harris and sat down at the dining table.

BLESSED | ZICO (ON HOLD)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя