24 - Missed Her 1

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Zico POV

After 2 hours and 40 minutes aboard, I finally arrived in China. As soon as I arrived, me, my manager and other staff went to the restaurant to have our lunch and at the same time we'll discuss my upcoming new album and other things. Apart from that, I don't have time to tell Altia about my arrival.

For today, my schedule is just walking around the city. The fashion show event will be held tomorrow night while in the morning, I will have my fan meeting. On my third day, I was invited to join one showcase and product launch from a famous brand here.

Now, it's showing 9 pm. Finally, I arrived at the hotel. Before I cleaned up myself, I remember that I haven't updated anything to Altia. So, I grab my phone and start calling her. I'm worried if she already sleeping but shortly after, my called was answered




"Where are you?"

"Hmm..on my way going home. Wae?"

"Hmm.. ani. Just want to tell you that I've already arrived this afternoon and now I'm resting at the hotel."

"Ahh...glad to hear that"



"You not missed me?

She answered without any hesitation


"Hmph! How could you...."

She didn't give any response. So I continued

"Okay, fine. I'm going to rest, Bye."

She didn't answer me instead hung up our called

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