5 - I'm Sorry 1

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Zico's POV

3 days after that incident, my mom never texted me again. Not even calling me. Maybe she is really frustrated with me.

I've sent her a few apology messages but not even once she replied to me back. Same goes with when I'm calling her, she never picked me up.

Therefore, I tried to get some help from Tae Woo and his wife to solve this problem. So, I called him


"Uh, Zico-ah. What's wrong?"

"Ani, hyung. Are you at home? I mean at eomma's house?"

"Uhmm, I'm here. Why?"

"How's eomma?"

"Eomma? What's wrong with her?"

"I've disappointed her, hyung."

"What do you mean?"

"I've already told my answer about the marriage and I said no."

Tae Woo quiet.

I'm start speak again



"Can you tell her that I'm really sorry."

"Okay. But, why not tell her by yourself."

"I've tried but she did not reply to me. She already hates me hyung."

"Ya! Don't say that. I'm sure she does not hate you. Maybe she's just really really disappointed with you."

"I don't know hyung. I just don't know what to do."

"Alright, alright. Later I will talk to her. Don't think too much, okay."

"Okay, hyung. Thanks."

"It's okay my bro."

Our conversation ended there.

Zico's Parent House

Tae Woo looked at his mother and his wife who was busy preparing food at the kitchen.

Only 4 of them at the house during that time. He was thinking to ask his mother during their lunch in another minute.

At the dining table, Tae Woo and his wife looked at each other as a sign to start the conversation while his mother was busy eating.

While looking for a right timing, finally Tae Woo open his mouth

"Eomma.. are you okay?"

His mom replied

"Hmmm? Yeay, I'm okay. Why? Do I look sick?"

"Ani. I'm just... lately we saw you look sad. Mind to share?"

She didn't answer.

Now, it's Ji Eun turn to speak

"Mom... if you have any problems or anything in your mind, just tell us okay?"

His mom still didn't say anything. Same goes to Tae Woo and Ji Eun. They keep themself in silent after being asked several questions. They don't want to push their mom to told about this

But suddenly, his mother spoke

"I don't know. I don't know where I should start. I just felt bad."

"Why do you feel bad mom?"Tae Woo asked

"Maybe I'm too confident with Jiho and I put my trust in him too much. But, after hearing him last day. I felt very disappointed with him."

"Is this about the marriage mom? Ji Eun turned to asked

BLESSED | ZICO (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang