I love you that much

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Forth never gave up on his promises. Beam tried his luck several times but it wasn't more than make out sessions. Not that he complain, it is already steamy with his lips and tongue.

All university already had the news Forth being Beam's boyfriend. The CASANOVA is taken. This is a big new for girls since they lost their chance with him, and for boys they didn't know they had the chance. Beam didn't swing this way before.

Eventhough everybody envy Beam from afar, they can not dare to approach him. All students learn how to behave around Forth. He is not only looks scary, he is scary. He can beat 11 people at the same time by himself. In other word Forth is feircing to every one other than Beam and his friends.

As aspected some of students accuse them as faggots. You can easily see the disgust in their eyes. As if it is the most sinfull thing to love someone. This was the opstacles their parents talking about. Even some of the proffesors look them down.

No matter how hard they try with their studies thoese who disgust them make their life harder and harder. Beam had to take some of his assays again and again until proffesors satisfied. Forth had to apply his lab reports and get minus B at most. It was frustrating to live that way.

Now they see why their parents act that way. But one thing is for sure they love each other and they will fight no matter what.

One day Beam came to engineering faculty, his eyes were swollen. He cried his heart out. Lam see him coming, since Forth's back twords the door. He panicked, when Forth turned around, he flied to near Beam. Beam's uniforms was full of coffee and some soups. Forth didn't ask anything. He just took his jacket off and wore it to Beam.

Beam looked to Forth's eyes and said

_ Forth I love you! You know that, right?

Forth pecked his lips and nod.

_ Professor Arjun called me faggot in the class and get me out of his lectures from now on! He is our farmacology professor. I guess this is the end for my study. You have to be my sugar daddy for the rest of our life. You can't take back your love! Do you understand me?

Forth was calm unespectedly. He chuckled and kis Beam's nose and lips.

_ Of course no! I thought you will be my sugar daddy. Now get your shit together and show them how you are capable of taking every risk to be a noeurosergeon as your dream job. You can't back off just some loveless person. This sissy is not who I know as Beam. Who are you?

Forth sigh heavily and asked

_ Did you eat something.

_You are looking at my meal on me! Some stupid boy make this to me as calling me different names.

_come on lets have lunch together and go home change your uniform. After that you will go to your class like noting happened. Okay?

_ Did I said enough I love you?

_ I love you too Beam. Just Be strong for ourselves.


sorry every one! I know it has been long. 

My boyfriend was Covit Positive and he is alone in the USA. he is doctor there but he cant help himself. 

only now we have good news. 

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