Parental issues

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Lien called Beam in the morning to give him the hotel address. Forth had to settle some of Beam's clothes since he was his place. When Forth and Beam entered the restaurant where their parents are, everybody tensed.

They sit in the middle of the table side by side, holding hands.

_ okay, I give you time to explain yourselves! ' David says. The boys nod each other and Beam clear his throat.

_ You already know our past. But what you don't know is we have loved each other since back then. We promised to be together when we were 10 years old. But we didn't see each other. I tried so many ways but no! there was no trace of him. Of course, I didn't know where to look but even if I slept with lots of girls. I never dare to share my lips other than Forth.

_ So, that's why there are so many rules for your girls. And the last one never kiss on the lips? I thought you don't like the lipstick's taste. ' Lien said.

_MUM! You really stalk me everywhere, don't you? I may not a good choice for Forth. But I'm not letting him go. I can't change my past but I will be a responsible person from now on!

_You think you are worth to our family?! ' Marla asked. No one expects that. Marla is the person who wants them to happen. The boy thought Marla was on their side.

_ Of course he is. But if you think otherwise You can disown me and it will be easy for you to explain yourself to 'SOCİETY'. 'Forth glared his parents. Then turned other parts. 'will you be okay if we are married or not? what do you say?

Ben was silent from the start. He observed everything.

_ Do you say that you would abandon your family because you love Beam? ' Ben asked only looking Forth's eyes.

_Yes, Sir ' Forth gulped.

_Then you are not allowed to be my son in law too. AND you can not see Beam for the rest of your life. I will make sure of it. ' Ben added.

_Dad! WHY?! 'Beam whines. Actually, he can guess why.

_ You know I always say that people, who cannot love their own blood-related family, can't make their partner happy. Do you think, it is possible for you after your mother cried to lost you, you would win another heart? Well, you can't. you have to ask their blessing no matter what! You think you love Beam no matter what? Well, it is because your mother allows you to love him. Even you can't please your loving family how can you so sure you can handle Beam?

Lien look at her husband. She admires her husband for a reason. He is intelligent YES! But there is something else. Even the look so scary outside he is a fucking caring person inside. That is the reason she fell in love with him years ago. He is always logical.

Forth look his laps. He is aware of his faults.

_Maybe you are right. But the only reason I said they can disown me Because they are public figures. Maybe what we have with Beam is wrong for Society. But I was raised this way, by ignoring them. Why should I allow them this time? Maybe I can not Explain myself but can you at least give us a chance to prove to you that we will be happy together.

He then looks at his mother's eyes

_ Mommy! I know you always want the best for me. You already know how much I have searched for him. After we met that day, I questioned everything you told me. Before I asked him to be with me, I talked to him like a friend. I met his best friends. I made them my friend too. I want to share my life with him. So I start by sharing my friend as you told me. I tried to be just a friend for his sake. But after finding him, I can't let him go. No! Not this time. I know I will be the happiest person if you bless us.

_You will ask our blessings again 3 months later. In semester break. Let's see your grades. Being a couple is not easy. Let's see that. 'Marla said.

_Hey! I didn't give my permission yet' Lien smirked. She has a devilish smile on her now. Then turned to the boys

_ You can not have sex during this time. You can kiss, cuddle, make out but if my guys inform me one of you were limping you are dead! Period.

_ No problem ' Forth said.

_ Why? You don't find me attractive? Why is it easy for you to say that? ' Beam asked irritatedly.

_Because you will be with me for the rest of my life. Don't worry I will make it up to you when times come. 


I will get the other shipping parts later! 




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