The kisses

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Forth's POV

_ Beam! I don't want to assume. Are we boyfriends now? ' I askes while turning back to our tent. It was still early in the morning.

_ what do you mean by that? I told you how I love you, right?

_ you did, didn't you? I cant believe what is happening. That's why I had to ask if it is real or not.

This was a new era for me. I haven't been in a relationship or any kind of intimacy. I don't want to assume anything. I'm a dump person. I don't want to drown myself into anything. He is the Casanova, So he is the one who knows how to treat others.

_I know I'm lack of experience in relationship Beam, but I will try my best. I may be a dump. Please aske me if something bothering you. I will never lie to you. If we have a problem in the future we will solve it together. Okay? I would do whatever you want me to.

_okay. This is a new era for me too Forth. I didn't date them. I just Fuck. ........

I'm sorry.. I'm sorry. Did I ruined the moment? Sorry for my past Forth.

_ Hey its okay as long as you quit that life.

_now I have the most handsome boyfriend. I don't need those girls. But Forth... ımmm.. ' he stopped. Turned me himself and kissed me.

I know a while ago I kissed him too but that was a peck. But this one! Mind blowing.

Beam sure know how to pleasure the moment. He nibble my lover lips like asking an entrance. I opened my mouth to breathe and he took the advantage to enter. Now our tongues are involved. I was doing what he is doing. Our breathes were rushed. I pulled him with my right hand from his neck. He did the same. He explored my mouth. I did as him. It was like a war for dominance. He might be the experienced but it is too good to lead beam. I don't know how long it took. We were breathless so I pulled myself. I put my forehead to his. He said;

_ Wow! You are natural. Or? This is not your first time?

_if it is you, I can do anything ' I winked. And add 'I love you Beam'

_ I love you too Forth. Thank you being with me.

Beam's POV

I cant believe myself. But he is my boyfriend now. It was okay to kiss him. Of course I can't let him go with just a peck. If we were in my room, it could be more than that.

He was flustered red ,so do I. we went to tent, pack it and head to a restaurant for breakfast. I took my car and he followed behind. I went my usual place. He frowned first. When we sit, he said;

_ I thought we will go somewhere fancy. It is kind of our first date.

_ oww! I thought you want to know my usual self. I show you my real self Forth. No need for fancy or cozy life style. But we can go for lunch. After we freshen up a bit. What do you say?

_ I didn't think that way. Sure lunch it is.

We ordered our breakfast and while talking. His gummy smile is back and I'm enjoying it. But I know all girls, even some cute boys looking to him. Hence I put my thumb to his lips like something was there and lick it. I saw those girls' jaw dropped. I need to claim him. He is that handsome and dense.

After a while I need to use bathroom. When I came back Forth was sitting with his stoic face. He looks scary as fuck. OKAY! That means he is only cute when I'm around. That is a good new. I came to table and sit near him. Peck his hair.

He looked at me and show his gummy smile.


And he kissed me on the lips.

_ What was that for?

_ those girls were looking at you head to toe. I know you didn't recognize but they would invite you from social media. And By The Way that guy over there took our photo. Turm your phone off if you don't want Phana nag you ' he smirk. 

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